Pedagogy Journal Club: Formative Versus Summative Assessments in Higher Education: Does it Promote Student Motivation and Learning?

Required Readings:

Hernández, R. (2012). Does continuous assessment in higher education support student learning? High Education,64; pp. 489–502. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-012-9506-7 -- LINK

Knight, P. T. (2002). Summative Assessment in Higher Education: Practices in disarray. Studies in Higher Education,27(3); pp. 275-286. DOI: 10.1080/03075070220000662 -- LINK

Pedagogy Journal Club: Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning


Approaches to biology teaching and learning, related to teaching strategies to promote student engagement and cultivate classroom equity.

Required Readings:

Tanner, K., & Allen, D. (2004). Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning: Learning Styles and the Problem of Instructional Selection - Engaging All Students in Science Courses. Cell Biology Education,3(4); pp. 197-201. DOI:10.1187/cbe.04-07-0050 -- LINK

Pedagogy Journal Club: Time Management for Faculty Members, How to Preserve Teaching Quality?


Faculty life is full of diverse duties and responsibilities that can become overwhelmingly time-consuming. "Multitasking" just means reducing the attention and the quality of our focus on individual tasks, and often, teaching is the first field to suffer from this lack of time. Learning to control your time, however, may be a significant factor in your job success as a faculty member.

Required Readings:
