New Postdoc Admins:
Read how to Gain Access to Postdoc Web Forms System
Who Can Sponsor a Postdoctoral Appointment:
Faculty Sponsor Must be a Member of the Professoriate (link is external)
Tenure Line Faculty (UTL)
Non-Tenure Line Faculty (NTL)
Medical Center Line Faculty
Other Faculty Designations
These roles cannot be Faculty Sponsors:
- Clinician Educators (CE) line appointed as a Clinical Instructor (unless granted a policy exception)
- Adjunct Professor
- "By Courtesy" Professor
- Senior Staff/Staff Scientist
Determining Postdoc Candidate Eligibility:
Has postdoc candidate completed all doctoral requirements (PhD within the last 3 years or MD within the last 6 years)?
- If yes, continue.
- If no, candidate is not eligible.
Will postdoc candidate be appointed at another institution or employed elsewhere concurrently with the Stanford postdoctoral appointment?
- If no, continue.
- If yes, candidate is not eligible.
Does postdoc candidate have more than 51 months of previous research experience?
- If yes, candidate is not eligible.
- If no, continue with appointment process.
Alternatives to a Postdoc Appointment:
The Postdoc Appointment Process:
See Job Aids for "Invite and Recommendation Form" for Details
- Eligible appointing Faculty Sponsor/PI identifies a postdoc candidate
- Postdoc admin confirms sufficient budget exists to support a postdoc, then determines candidate eligibility, and initiates appointment process with a Postdoc Invite web form in AXESS
- Postdoc candidate completes an online Data Form and uploads documents
- Postdoc admin reviews and approves the Data Form
- Postdoc admin creates and submits a Recommendation Form
- Department Manager/DFA reviews and approves the Recommendation Form, which generates an offer letter to the postdoc candidate
- Postdoc candidate reviews/accepts letter
- Postdoc admin verifies the appointment terms on the Recommendation Form and submits to OPA for review and approval
- OPA reviews the Recommendation Form for approval
Flowchart of process:Postdoc Web Forms Workflow Roles and Responsibilities
Determining the Appointment Start Date
- Review the Processing Timelines section below and set a start date that accounts for the required processing time
- Doctoral degree not yet conferred? Appointments may begin before the doctoral degree conferral date with a sufficient Letter of Completion (see the Required Documents section below)
- Appointments can start no earlier than the day after the date of issue of the doctoral degree, or the letter of completion, and allowing for required processing time
In some cases, and for good cause, an appointment may start up to 30 days retroactively (with proof of degree dated at least 30 days prior)
- GFS pay line(s) must start on the retroactive appointment start date, or request an off-cycle check for missed pay period(s)
Processing Timelines
- U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and F1 OPT visa holders: 5-7 business days in advance of the requested appointment start date
- J-1 Scholars / DS-2019 holders: A minimum of 8 weeks (9-10 weeks preferred) is required for DS-2019 processing in advance of the requested appointment/visa start date
- H-1B visa holders: 3-4 months with premium processing in advance of the requested appointment/visa start date (requires premium processing fee)
Required Documents (.pdf only)
- Documents not uploaded to the data form by the postdoc candidate must be uploaded to the recommendation form by the postdoc admin prior to submission to OPA
- Outside funding letters and Notices of Award (link is external) from external fellowships are reviewed by OPA before appointment approval
Postdoc candidate uploads these documents to the data form (.pdf only!)
Copy of the doctoral diploma/degree certificate
- English translation required when original is issued in a foreign language
In the absence of a diploma or degree certificate, a Letter of Completion is acceptable to start the appointment before degree conferral, IF:
Letter is issued by a Registrar or equivalent central office
- Letters issued by the academic department are not sufficient for appointment approval
- Letter confirms the date ALL degree requirements were completed, including submission and acceptance, defense of thesis, and the expected date of degree conferral
Letter is issued by a Registrar or equivalent central office
- Unofficial transcript that confirms doctoral degree earned and date of conferral
Recent CV
- Dates entered in mm/dd/yyyy or mm/yyyy format
- Dates noted only as years are insufficient for research experience calculation
Any external Notice of Award/Funding Letters (link is external) (must be reviewed by OPA)
- Must be in English
- Must be on agency letterhead
- Must be signed by an official funding agency representative
- Must provide exact award start and end dates
- Must state specific funding amount (range of funding is not acceptable)
- Must specify use of funds and a breakdown of any amounts intended for benefits or other coverages beyond the salary amount
Must specify frequency of payment installments and if transferred in foreign currency or USD
- Currency conversion printout is required if Notice/Letter indicates payment in a foreign currency ( provides currency conversions)
- Must provide a separate letter for each outside funding source
- Cannot require or include a postdoctoral appointment/employment with other institution
International scholars must include:
- Passport: Postdoc candidate uploads a copy of the bio-demographic page (with picture)
- J-1 visa holders: Postdoc admin submits a DS-2019 request web form
- F1 OPT visa holders: Postdoc candidate uploads a copy of the EAD card (application/receipt if card is not yet issued)
- H-1B visa holders: Postdoc candidate uploads a copy of the most recent I-797
- Permanent Residents: Postdoc candidate uploads a copy of the permanent resident (green) card
- J-1 visa sponsored by other institution: Postdoc candidate uploads a copy of the current DS-2019 AT issued by the other institution
Postdoc admin uploads these documents to the recommendation form (.pdf only!)
- Any required documents from the list above not uploaded to the data form by the postdoc candidate
- Currency conversion printout (when outside funding is paid in foreign currency)
- Outside funded benefits coverage approval email (if applicable)
- Clinical appts only: Patient Care form; signed Clinical Scholar letter
Before submitting the recommendation form to OPA
Are all required documents uploaded to the recommendation form?
- If no, STOP! The recommendation form will not submit until all required documents are uploaded
- If yes, complete your final review of the appointment terms and click Save to review the offer letter
- Click Submit to submit to workflow for review and approvals
Processing Guidelines:
- Appointment start and end dates must match J-1 DS-2019 program start and end dates
Funding levels in the recommendation form must match the funding noted on the DS-2019 web form
- Exception: If the appointment term and DS-2019 program term is more or less than one year, funding noted on the DS-2019 must be prorated accordingly
- The recommendation form and DS-2019 form are submitted concurrently to OPA for review and approval
If proof of degree is not submitted on or before the appointment start date, the appointment cannot start
- The department can appoint the candidate as a Visiting Student Researcher until proof of doctoral degree is provided. Information on Visiting Student Researcher status found at:
- The department can push the appointment start date back until proof of doctoral degree is provided
Proof of outside support must be uploaded when the postdoc candidate will receive funding support from fellowships, scholarships, or awards outside of Stanford
- Award letters are uploaded by the postdoc candidate with other documents listed above
- Support by personal or family funds is expressly prohibited
- Typical examples of this type of support is the home country government, educational institution, Stanford Hospital (SUH), Palo Alto Veterans’ Administration Medicine Center (PAVAMC), fellowship paid directly to the scholar, etc.
- Proof is normally a letter from the sponsoring institution (with English translation when issued in a foreign language)
- Letters include start and end dates of support, amount of support, and name of the institution or fellowship which supports the training at Stanford
- Currency exchange rates are available from Oanda currency converter (link is external)
- Total annual pay to scholar, from all sources, must meet or exceed Stanford's minimum funding level, based on years of research experience
MDs performing clinical duties outside of a fellowship program or billing for services must sign the Agreement For Services Outside of Fellowship
- Signed copy provided by either the postdoc/fellow or the admin via upload to the online form
Exceptions to Policy:
- Some circumstances may warrant a policy exception
- Exception requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis
Policy exceptions are requested on:
- The recommendation form (see the Policy Exception section of Job Aid: Recommendation Form)
- The change form (see the Policy Exception section of Job Aid: Change Form)
Search for a Student ID:
Please allow 24-48 hours (longer during high volume times) for Student IDs to be created after appointment approval
If you do not have access to PeopleSoft or GFS to search for the student ID#, use this method:
- In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoctoral Administrative Forms
- Click the "Change Transactions" button
- Click "Add"
- Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Student ID field
- In the Look Up box, enter the postdoc’s first and last names
- Click "Look Up"
- The student ID is displayed in the Search Results
- Write down or copy and paste the ID number
- Exit the Look Up box
- Exit the change form without saving or submitting
Example Offer Letter:
Postdoc Offer Letter - Research 2019
For Clinical Trainees:
- Copy of CA medical license; a printout of a valid license from the Medical Board of California (link is external) is acceptable.
- Patient Care form
For Joint Clinical Scholar appointees in the School of Medicine:
- Signed copy of the Clinical Scholar letter
- For clinical postdoctoral trainees, signed agreement of services outside of the fellowship
New Postdoc Data in Payroll System:
The payroll system does not receive the postdoc record until after GFS sends a file on the 15th or 30th/31st (salary) or 25th of the month (stipend). New postdocs do not appear in the payroll system until the next payroll run.