Purpose:  Provides a departmental list of active postdoctoral appointments

  • Historical data limited to 2011 - present

  • Use the advanced search filters to sort the displayed list of appointments

To Find My Postdocs:

  • In AXESS:  click OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > My Postdocs

Use of My Postdocs:

To view a specific postdoc record

  • In the Search fields, enter either the student ID, or the first and last name for a postdoc
  • Click Search
  • Scroll down to view the summary postdoc record; scroll right to view all columns
  • Click the student ID link to view the detailed postdoc record

To view a sorted list of postdocs 

  • Click Advanced Search
  • Enter advanced search terms to filter the Search Results list to the desired sort
    • A variety of filters are available for sorting, eg., appointment status, faculty sponsor, etc.
  • Click Search
  • Scroll down to view the filtered list of postdoc appointments; scroll right to view all columns
  • Click the student ID link of any row to view the detailed record for a specific postdoc

Initiating a new postdoc web form:

  • Did your list reveal an appointment record in need of an update?
  • Click the Initiate Transaction link near the top of the page to navigate to the Postdoc Administrative Forms database and select the type web form needed to update the postdoc record.


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