Pedagogy Journal Club: Inquiry-Based Learning: Implementing Student-Driven Investigations to Foster Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Required Readings:

Yussif (2024). Inquiry-Based Learning In Your Classroom: Benefits and How To Use It. Classroom Management Expert.-- LINK

Main, P (2021). A Teacher's Guide To Inquiry-Based Learning. Structural Learning.-- LINK

Pedagogy Journal Club: The What and the How of Antiracist Teaching: Decolonizing the Curriculum and Creating an Inclusive Environment

Title: The "What" and the "How" of Antiracist Teaching: Decolonizing the Curriculum and Creating an Inclusive Environment

Required Readings:

Arday, J., Belluigi, D. Z., & Thomas, D. (2020). Attempting to break the chain: reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy. Educational Philosophy and Theory,53(3); pp. 298–313. DOI:10.1080/00131857.2020.1773257 -- LINK
