How To Apply

Visit the CZBiohub website for application instructions.

FAQs if you have been awarded a CZBiohub Fellowship

Is OPA involved in the selection of recipients? No. We are involved in administering the award, but not candidate selection. The departmental postdoc admin needs to initiate an appointment, as with other postdoc appointments.

Who creates the PTA?  Once we are informed of a new Fellow, OPA creates the PTA and shares it with the departmental admin, who then enters the PTA into GFS. 

Can this award be paid as salary or stipend?  This should be paid as stipend, but on rare occasions when a visa requires it, it can be paid as salary if absolutely necessary.

Will CZBiohub cover the cost of benefits if they exceed $15,500?  No. In the rare circumstance that the cost of benefits exceeds $15,500 annually, the PI agrees to pay for the additional amount beyond $15,500.

Can ISC be waived?  No. 

Who pays ISC?  The school. Be sure to loop in the Dean.