What is an IDP? What is a tracking system?
What is the connection between IDPs and federal policy?
Is language available for me to include in my grant applications and program reports?
I'm already doing this. Do I have to use this new tracking system?
What are the consequences of not completing the IDP requirements by the deadline?

In light of the intrinsic benefits of the IDP, the university-wide requirement, and funding requirements, we expect this to be a rare occurrence, and you and your faculty sponsor will be reminded of its value. Both postdocs and faculty face adverse consequences in that failure to complete the IDP by the designated deadlines will jeopardize Stanford's competitiveness for National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal funding. A record of IDP meetings is required to support any postdoc term-limit extension requests.

Can I ask my postdoc to use a form I created?

We recommend using these forms because they have been developed with input from faculty and postdocs at Stanford, and include sections on self-assessment, career exploration and goal setting. If you would like to use an alternative form, please submit that form to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at postdocidp[at]stanford[dot]edu for review and approval.

What is the timeline for a postdoc to complete an IDP?

New postdocs must complete their IDP and meeting within three months of their appointment start date, and annually thereafter.

My postdoc doesn't want to share the completed IDP with me. Should I see it or receive a copy?

Your postdocs will develop their draft IDP before meeting with you, and ideally share that draft with you prior to the meeting. However, the IDP is a personal document, and postdocs are encouraged, but not required, to share it ahead of time. You should speak openly about your preferences and expectations regarding the IDP document and meeting. In the event of a conflict regarding sharing the written IDP, you might consider asking for specific subsections, or a general outline, in lieu of the whole document.

How do I prepare for this meeting?

Review the completed IDP (see above) and note questions, differences of opinion, and suggestions before the planning meeting. If your postdoc chooses not to share the IDP ahead of time, you can review the IDP forms here. It may help to think about your postdoc's progress, competencies and areas for improvement in light of his/her research and professional goals. You might also review the resources listed below for any that are relevant for your postdocs's needs.


How will the planning meeting proceed? Who leads the conversation?

Using the completed IDP as a guide, postdocs are encouraged to lead the discussion of their self-assessment, goals and plans. The two of you work collaboratively to identify specific actions and resources to help your postdoc achieve his/her research and professional goals. Your perspective on your postdoc, Stanford and the larger world is invaluable for your postdoc's success, and this is a time to share it.


I have a postdoc who is under-performing. How do I discuss this?

Honest, constructive feedback and supportive coaching are important during the postdoctoral training period. The structure of the IDP supports an objective conversation focused on goals and plans, creating an opportunity to give clear feedback about specific performance issues.

I feel unqualified to have conversations about career fields and professional development outside my area of expertise.

There is no expectation that any faculty member provides all the guidance that a postdoc needs. Multiple resources are available to support your goals, and those of your postdocs. You can:

Why must we verify the IDP meetings occurred?

Planning meetings are documented to:

  • Ensure that all trainees have at least one planning meeting per year that focuses on their research and professional development;
  • Make the most out of postdoctoral training and mentoring relationships; and
  • Comply with a university requirement that may impact NIH and other funding decisions.

Stanford's IDP provides an auditable trail and reporting structure that minimizes the burden on Principal Investigators and provides valuable training records for grant applications and progress reports.

When and how do I verify the meeting?

After the planning meeting, postdocs will record the date the meeting occurred via an online form. You need only respond to the subsequent email to confirm the IDP meeting took place.

New postdocs should complete the documentation within three months of arriving at Stanford; all other postdocs annually.

Who will see the IDP? What about the meeting verification form?

The IDP belongs to the postdoc, and your discussion remains private between you and your postdoc. Postdocs are encouraged to share their IDPs with other mentors as well. The meeting verification form records only the date the meeting occurred; the completed IDP and discussions remain private.

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs administers the IDP meeting verification system, including confirmation and follow-up emails and necessary reporting. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs sees only the postdoc's identifying information, faculty member's name and email, the date the meeting occurred, and the faculty member's confirmation of the date. The content of your IDP and your discussions are not documented.

I am busy and/or travel frequently. How do I find time for this?

You share responsibility with your postdoc to meet and discuss the IDP before the deadlines. The IDP is intended to be a guide supporting postdoctoral training at Stanford, and is thus beneficial to both of you in setting clear expectations, generating constructive feedback and ensuring that plans are carefully considered. You can hold your IDP planning meetings anytime. Consider holding your planning meeting by phone or video conference, if necessary, when abroad. Failure to discuss the IDP by the deadline may endanger Stanford's ability to receive NIH training and research grants.

The online verification system failed. What should I do?
Do I need to complete IDPs and meet with graduate students too?

Yes, you will follow substantially the same process. Please consult the Office of Graduate Education website for the forms, process details and deadlines relevant for students.