A reappointment (extension of a postdoctoral appointment) is possible by agreement between the faculty sponsor and the postdoctoral scholar in accordance with the terms of the offer and applicable University policy.
Reappointments and term extensions should be discussed and submitted for approval a minimum of 3 months before the end of the appointment.
Appointments with visas require additional processing time, typically 4-5 months.
A reappointment/extension of a postdoc may not exceed five years of postdoctoral research (at Stanford and elsewhere), except in rare circumstances. Refer to RPH 10.3, Section 2F & G (link is external), for applicable provisions and requirements, including term limit considerations, and review the Sixth Training Year Extension Requests section below for further details.
Term Limit Considerations
Postdocs who have completed five years of research or training and who are continuing at Stanford may be moved into an appropriate classification such as a Research Associate, Instructor, or Lecturer. Contact your Faculty Affairs office or Human Resources office to initiate the process at least 3 months before the appointment end date.
Processing Reappointments/Extensions
- Administrators may reappoint (extend the current appointment of) postdocs by submitting a Change Request web form via PeopleSoft Web Forms.
- Appointment extensions for externally-funded postdocs must include an updated funding letter (upload a .pdf to the postdoc's Nolij folder).
For International Scholars:
- Reappointment end date and visa end date must match.
- Reappointment web forms and visa extension web forms are not reviewed until both are submitted; please submit both to avoid delays.
- J-1 Scholars: Change requests must be accompanied by submission of a DS-2019 Extension web form.
- DS-2019 Funding Sources total must match annual funding reported to OPA, EXCEPT:
- When the appointment/DS-2019 Extension does not equal one year;
- Annual funding is reported to OPA via Change form.
- Funding rate for extension period is reported to Bechtel I-Center via the DS-2019 web form (will only match annual rate for one year extensions).
- When external funding includes allowances beyond the annual salary rate.
- Annual funding is reported to OPA via Change form (do not include additional allowances).
- Funding rate for extension period is reported to Bechtel I-Center via the DS-2019 web form (additional allowances ARE reported to Bechtel).
- H-1B Visa: Change request must be accompanied by submission of an Employment Visa Exception Request for Postdocs (link is external) Smartsheet and an H-1B Employment Visa web form.
- F1 OPT: Change request must be accompanied by a STEM extension EAD card (upload a .pdf to the postdoc's Nolij folder), or by the required web forms/documents supporting a transition to J-1 or H-1B visa status.
For Clinical Trainees:
Clinical Fellow reappointments/extensions require the submission of an updated signed Patient Care Form to OPA and to GME at Stanford Hospital and Clinics. Department administrators are responsible for ensuring the completion and submission of this form to those two offices.
If the reappointment of the clinical trainee follows the completion of a clinical training program and the trainee is continuing at Stanford in order to carry out basic science research while they plan to perform additional clinical duties through Stanford Hospital and Clinics (SHC) as a housestaff physician not in training, a Termination of the Clinical Appointment must be submitted to OPA via PeopleSoft Web Forms and a new appointment to recommend a Research Scholar must be initiated. If, as a Research Scholar, the candidate will continue to perform clinical duties as an Attending Physician with SHC, postdoctoral administrators must upload a signed Agreement for Services Outside of Fellowship as part of the Recommendation Form. In those cases, clinical arrangements are made directly by the department with SHC to determine appropriate levels of credentialing/pay.
Exceptions to Policy
- Some circumstances may warrant a policy exception
- Exception requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis
- Policy exceptions are requested on:
- The recommendation form (see the Policy Exception section of Job Aid: Recommendation Form)
- The change form (see the Policy Exception section of Job Aid: Change Form)
Sixth Training Year Extension Requests
- Reappointments beyond 60 months of postdoctoral research experience (max. 72 months) are exceptions to policy.
- An approved sixth training year policy exception is not guaranteed
- Sixth training years are governed by RPH 10.3, Sections 2F & 2G (link is external)
- Submit sixth year requests no more than 6 months in advance of the current appointment/visa end date(s)
Expedited (2F) Requests
- Submit a change web form with Reason for Sixth Year set to "Competitive Fellowship" or "Accepted Job Offer"
- Requires Admin upload of proof of a competitive fellowship award letter or an accepted job offer letter (salary and other confidential information can be redacted)
- Expedited requests based on a job offer are intended to bridge a short gap (less than one year) to the start date of the new position
- When determining the policy exception request submission timeline, allow 2-3 weeks for Faculty Subcommittee review
Standard (2G) requests
- Submit a change web form with Reason for Sixth Year set to "Other"
- Requires Admin upload of PI report of all IDP meetings (link is external)
- Start this process sooner rather than later to avoid lapsed appointments or urgent visa expiration dates
- When determining the policy exception request submission timeline, allow 6-8 weeks for the Faculty Subcommittee review