OPA observes University guidelines for Winter Closure, Thanksgiving, and all other holidays. These dates change from year to year, so review applicable University calendars. 

If you are a postdoc and need assistance during Winter Closure, or any other time the University is closed, consider these options:

  • Confidential Free Assistance for Postdocs (24-hours/7-days): Guidance Resources for Postdocs
  • Associate Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs, Dr. Sofie Kleppner: kleppner (at) stanford (dot) edu will be checking email.
  • Submit a Service Now ticket to OPA. Service Now tickets submitted to OPA will be read after Winter Closure.

Important Guidelines:

  • Postdocs typically observe official University holidays on the official University dates or at a time agree upon with faculty/PIs depending on the research group/lab schedule. Postdocs cannot cover designated holidays with paid sick time or time off with pay leave.
  • In addition to designated holidays, if their research groups/laboratories observe the mandatory shutdown and staff in those areas are receiving three additional paid days off, postdocs also receive three additional paid days off. The additional days off with pay may be taken on any normal workday during the close period that is not a postdoc’s regularly scheduled day off or a designated holiday.
  • For the other regular workdays during winter close that are not designated by the University as holidays or paid days off, postdocs use time off with pay, approved time off without pay, or any combination thereof. Departments are asked to administer time off during this week consistently, and not to award University paid time off for other dates. Postdocs take these time off with pay/unpaid time off days if required by the PI in cases when the research groups/laboratories are closed. However, postdocs may accomplish their assigned work from home, without taking time off with pay days during those days, with prior PI approval.

Postdocs should talk directly with their PIs and department administration about operating schedules for research activities. As in previous years, areas with critical responsibilities and many laboratories and research activities continue to operate during all or part of the closure period (i.e., clinical units, lab animal facilities, some research labs, Lane Library, etc.).