The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth.

The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to:

  • attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
  • develop their leadership potential
  • position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow

Instructions for Stanford Letter of Endorsement 

Be sure to: 

1. Include full name, department, snail mail address, faculty sponsor, cell number, and email address.

2. Follow the instructions from the Banting website:

  • Describe the process by which the institution chose to endorse the applicant, including the number of applications that were reviewed. Include the following : "The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at Stanford University does not currently have a selection process because of the relatively small pool of applicants for the Banting Fellowship." 
  • Confirm agreement with the supervisor's statement of synergy between the institution's strategic priorities and the applicant's proposed research program. Summarize your "supervisor's statement of synergy" in the draft letter and confirm agreement with the statement.
  • Confirm the institution's commitment to gender equity, and outline the existing equity involvement in the endorsement process. Include: "Stanford University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce. It welcomes participation from women, members of minority groups, veterans, persons with disabilities, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research and teaching mission."

3. Email your draft letter of endorsement and all application materials to Kanza Naqvi ( 

4. Additionally:

  • Use your last name in the file name of all documents.
  • The draft letter of endorsement must be a .doc. 
  • Other documents should be either .doc or .pdf.