Individual Development Plan Guides
- MyIDP (link is external) - excellent tool and worksheets for planning science careers
- Stanford BEAM Career Education (link is external) Digital Resources
- Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On Being a Mentor to Postdocs in Science and Engineering (link is external) by NAS, NAE & Institute of Medicine.
- The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships (link is external) by Lois Zachary. Stanford School of Medicine Career Center library.
- On Being a Mentor: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty (link is external) by W. Brad Johnson.
- Mentoring and Diversity in Higher Education (link is external) by Henry Frierson.
- University of Washington Professor's Guide to Mentoring (link is external)
- Council of Graduate Schools (link is external) - mentoring topics for each stage of training
- Nature's Guide for Mentors (link is external) June 2007
- Stanford's Faculty Development Office (link is external)
Skills Development
Research Skills and Scientific Thinking
- Beyond the Beakers: SMART Advice for Entering Graduate Programs in the Sciences and Engineering by Gayle Slaughter. Stanford School of Medicine Career Center library.
- The Art of Being a Scientist: A Guide for Graduate Students and Their Mentors (link is external) by Roel Snieder and Ken Larner.
- The Chicago Guide to Your Career in Science: A Toolkit for Postdocs and Postdocs (link is external) by Victor Bloomfield.
- BIOS mini-courses (link is external)
Writing and Oral Communication
Professionalism and Interpersonal Skills
- Vice Provost for Graduate Education (link is external)
- Quick Bytes (link is external) - lunchtime topics on academic, professional and career development
Project Managment
- Managing Projects Large and Small (Harvard Business Essentials). Stanford School of Medicine BioSci Careers library.
- Stanford Center for Professional Development "Advanced Project Management (link is external)" course ($400/course for Stanford.)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Stanford Biodesign (link is external) - Biodesign Network, Fellowships, community, networking, resources and facilities for biomedical innovators
- Stanford Ignite (link is external) - Stanford GSB faculty lead project-based mini-course on bringing concepts to commercial reality
- StartX (link is external) - community, resources, inspiration, mentoring and funding for entrepreneurs
Resources for Career Development
Stanford School of Medicine Career Center
Biosciences Internship Program (link is external)
School of Medicine Career Center Career Discussion Groups
Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)
- VPGE Career Development (link is external)
- Academic Chats
- Alternatives To Academic Careers (Alt Ac) Speaker Series (link is external)
- Leadership Dinners (link is external)
- WISE and WISSH Groups for Women (link is external)
Career Prep and Practice
- Curricula for Careers in Academia (link is external)
- Career Foundations: Academia (September panel)
- INDE 231A: Career Transitions: Academia (Fall Quarter)
- INDE 231B: Career Prep & Practice: Academia (Spring Quarter)
- INDE 239: Preparation and Practice for Biotechnology Business and Finance (link is external)
- INDE 255A & B: Health Policy, Finance and Economics
- School of Medicine Career Center Career Discussion Groups
- Biosciences Internship Program (link is external)
- Biosciences Event Calendars (link is external) - speakers, professional development and career development events