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OPA Program

Efficient and Effective Planning: Build your Teaching Toolkit - Helping Your Students Check Their Progress: Goal-Oriented Assessments

This workshop sets the foundation for instructors to develop assessment activities that align with course or module learning goals. So you can develop a framework to assess students’ progress, participants will be introduced to formative assessment and will learn multiple strategies to assess student performance. Participants will have practical training in aligning assignments and assessments with learning goals. Throughout, we will highlight ways to make your teaching inclusive and to actively engage students to improve their learning outcomes.


Courageous Resilience: How to Maintain Motivation, Endurance & Well- Being During COVID-19

During these trying months, many of us have experienced a wildly fluctuating spectrum of well-being, as we aim for scholarly excellence under quarantine circumstances. Within an hour, or a day, or a week, we find ourselves vacillating, sometimes feeling like we are barely coping, then a sense of  adapting pretty well, and in super-power moments, we are thriving.

Sauté with the Best of ‘Em: Cooking Class with Chef Sandra Lewis

The Office of Graduate Education and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs invites you to an evening of virtual cooking!

During this class you’ll learn how to prepare sautéed vegetables! Chef Sandra Lewis will lead a live demo,  where you’ll have a chance to ask questions, receive feedback and interact with fellow participants.

You’ll leave with expertly sautéed sides that can be perfectly paired with your meal of choice!


Academic Chats: Ethical Issues in Your Teaching and Research

What are the standards of teaching and research behavior in various disciplines and what are some examples of situations that present no simple “right or wrong” answers?

Guest Speakers: Dr. Harry Greenberg, Professor, Microbiology & Immunology and Gastroenterology & Hepatology and Dr. Sharad Goel, Assistant Professor, Management Science & Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science and Law

Learning by Design: Course Design for Effective Student Learning

This workshop provides graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with a collaborative and immersive environment in which to use effective course design principles to design a new course. You will apply the research on teaching and learning to the development of a syllabus and/or selected class materials for your course.

Topics will take into account your and other participants’ needs and interests, and may include:

Stanford Continuing Studies Instructor Proposal Online Info Session

Are you interested in developing and teaching your own course here at Stanford? The Continuing Studies department is currently accepting Fall Quarter proposals. Courses with Continuing Studies can be taught in-person or online for as short as 1 day or a few days to a full 10-week course. See below for more info on course types.

Fall dates: September 21 - December 4

Proposal deadline: March 24, 2020

SMS: Collaboration and Team Science - CANCELED

**IMPORTAND NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have reviewed our upcoming program offerings and determined this program is not suitable for the Zoom format. For this reason, this program has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Michelle Bennett, Director, Center for Research Strategy at National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Creativity in Research

Our most innovative research is driven by creativity and excitement, but in crossing from the known to the unknown, we frequently get stuck. In this workshop, we will explore how to design for deep work, how to manage and increase our energy and motivation, and how to organize workdays and develop strategies to get unstuck.  Working alone and in pairs, we will use prototyping to help us test ideas early, seek out feedback on unfinished work, and enhance our progress.

Collaboration and Team Science - CANCELED

**IMPORTAND NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have reviewed our upcoming program offerings and determined this program is not suitable for the Zoom format. For this reason, this program has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Michelle Bennett, Director, Center for Research Strategy at National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Teaching Opportunities BBL - Pre-Collegiate Studies, Learning Circles, International Opportunities, and more!

Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies offers a variety of summer residential and academic year enrichment programs for academically talented middle and high school students, and provides many teaching opportunities, both at Stanford and overseas, for those interested in building or deepening their instructional skills. Options range from smaller commitments of only a few hours per week, to developing and teaching an intensive three-week course that reflects the instructor’s passions and expertise.


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