Thursday, May 20, 12:00pm-2:00pm PT / 3:00pm-5:00pm ET, via Zoom
This panel will feature faculty from a wide range of institution types and focus on their path, what the faculty role looks like at their institution, and what their search committees are looking for. After the panel, each faculty will be available in breakouts to answer questions and network with participants.
Moderated by Dr. Felicia Benton-Johnson, Assistant Dean and Director of Diversity and Engineering Education Outreach, College of Engineering, Georgia Tech.
- Dr. Clayton Clark, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Florida A&M University
- Dr. Agnus Padovani, Professor, Eng. Sciences and Materials, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez
- Dr. Wanda Payne, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Tennessee State University
- Dr. Manu Platt, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Dr. Monika Schleier-Smith, Associate Professor, Physics, Stanford University
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