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OPA Program

Designing Your Postdoc

In this session, you'll have an opportunity to apply design thinking to your postdoctoral training and reflect on who you are, where you are going, and how you can get there.

You'll identify resources and plan to apply them to your training in the right place at the right time. The work we do together will support a thoughtful and balanced individual development plan.

Pedagogy Journal Club: Investigating Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction for Online STEM Education Among Undergraduates

Topic: Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction for Online Learning

Required Readings:

Choe, R. C., Scuric, Z., Eshkol, E., Cruser, S., Arndt, A., Cox, R., ... & Crosbie, R. H. (2019). Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in Asynchronous Online Lecture Videos. CBE—Life Sciences Education,18(4); pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1187/cbe.18-08-0171 -- LINK

Academic Chats: Managing Up Under COVID-19

How do you manage your relationship with your PIs/advisors while working remotely or under the current COVID-19 climate?

Navigating the power differential between graduate students/postdocs and their supervisors is always challenging, but even more so in this fraught time, when faculty are also incredibly stressed. What are some of the immediate issues that need to be addressed and what are the resources available on campus that can help you in this unique situation?

Pedagogy Journal Club: Is Flipped Classroom Effective for Students? - Zoom ONLY

**IMPORTANT NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have moved this program to Zoom Only; this meeting will no longer be taking place on campus in-person.

To access zoom login information, please register for program using the link below.


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android, using this link:


Software Carpentry Workshop - CANCELED

**IMPORTAND NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have reviewed our upcoming program offerings and determined this program is not suitable for the Zoom format. For this reason, this program has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.


Monday and Tuesday, March 23-24, 8:30am-4:30pm (breakfast and lunch provided on both days)

Designing Your Postdoc - CANCELED

**IMPORTAND NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have reviewed our upcoming program offerings and determined this program is not suitable for the Zoom format. For this reason, this program has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.


In this session, you'll have an opportunity to apply design thinking to your postdoctoral training and reflect on who you are, where you are going, and how you can get there.

Academic Chats: Designing and Delivering Effective Lectures - Zoom ONLY

**IMPORTANT NOTICE: In light of recent COVID-19 developments and the university’s guidance around social distancing, we have moved this program to Zoom Only; this meeting will no longer be taking place on campus in-person.

To access zoom login information, please register for program using the link below.


Lectures are still an important part of the teaching and learning experience. We will discuss practical pointers on preparing and giving lectures that are memorable and unmissable!

SMS: Teaching Skills for Surviving your First Year of a Tenure-Track Faculty Job

Dr. Cleber Ouverney, Professor of Microbiology in the Department of Biological Sciences at San José State University

Teaching responsibilities can be daunting as you transition from postdoc to faculty at any type of institution. Drawing from his (and his colleagues') experience transitioning from postdoc to faculty at San Jose State University, Dr. Ouverney will provide a wide range of approaches one can take to survive the transition, figure out how to teach well, and ultimately thrive as faculty balancing the demands of teaching, research, and service.


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