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OPA Program

SMS: Building an Inclusive Lab Environment

Shaila Kotadia, Director of Culture and Inclusion

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn what it means to build an inclusive lab and what tools are used to support diverse teams. Facilitator Shaila Kotadia, from the Office of Faculty Development & Diversity, will present research in this area and engage participants in dialogue.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**

Academic Chats: Preparing a Teaching Portfolio

Teaching portfolios are expected in applications for many academic positions. We will discuss what needs to be included in such documents, how to develop a teaching philosophy statement as part of the statement and how to gather relevant material over time and not just at once when you are nearing the end of your postdoc.

Guest Speakers: Dr. Stephanie Eberle,  Assistant Dean, School of Medicine Career Center and Dr. Amanda Modell, Associate Director of Graduate Teaching Programs, Center for Teaching and Learning

Academic Chats: Teaching and Learning Styles - What it Means for You as a New Professor

There is some controversy about the idea of teaching to students' differing learning styles.  We will look at this matter and also discuss some of the things you can do now to prepare yourself to use various teaching styles once you start as a professor.

Guest Speakers: Dr. Ellen Woods, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Stanford Introductory Studies Operations and Dr. Cassie Wright, Lecturer, Program in Writing and Rhetoric

SMS: The Art of Negotiation

Jessica Notini, Instructor, Stanford Law School

This lecture will examine critical negotiation theory involving how to move from an adversarial, “fixed pie” orientation to a more collaborative and creative orientation. We will discuss how to probe beneath surface positions, demands and strategies to discover the underlying needs and motivators of the people involved in a challenging conversation. We will also analyze how to analyze potential negotiated agreements in terms of other alternatives.

SMS: Getting Funding and How to Write a Grant

Dr. John Boothroyd, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

This lecture will examine the mechanisms of writing and assembling a grant. We will examine writing strategies and requirements for the research plan, the heart of the grant. Other topics will include the grant "surrounds" --budget and its justification, research environment, biosketches, etc.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**

SMS: Obtaining and Negotiating a Faculty Position

Dr. John Boothroyd, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

This lecture examines the key requirements for a successful faculty job search, with detailed information about: finding faculty openings, application package contents, CV preparation, writing the research and teaching interest statements, considerations for each stage of the interview process, professional follow-up communications, what to include in the resources request and tips on negotiating salary and benefits.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**

SMS: Starting Up Your Lab

Dr. Jody Puglisi, Professor of Structural Biology

Starting up your first lab can be an overwhelming project. This lecture focuses on equipment, space and other resources included in startup packages, setting up your laboratory, recruitment, preparing for your first grant submission and budgeting.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**

Pedagogy Journal Club: How Do Gendered Policies Affect Career Advancement in Academia?

Topic: How Do Gendered Policies Affect Career Advancement in Academia?

Required Readings:

Antecol, H., Bedard, K., & Stearns, J. (2018). Equal but Inequitable: Who Benefits from Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies? American Economic Review,108 (9); pp. 2420–2441. doi: 10.1257/aer.20160613 -- LINK

Recommended Readings:


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