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Leadership & Management

Mentoring Monday: Improve Communication by Assessing Understanding

Monday, November 13, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, On Campus

Have you communicated expectations to a mentee and assumed that they understood what you meant? Would you like to learn how to better communicate with your mentor/mentee?

Effective communication is critical to an effective mentoring relationship. During this workshop, postdocs will identify barriers to clear understanding. In addition, scholars will learn and practice strategies to address reasons for a lack of understanding.

Demystifying Project Management: a Useful Tool to Run your Research

This is an immersive workshop that will teach you fundamental project management (PM) principles for laboratory research in a fun and engaging way. We will go through the project management cycle and you will be able to learn and apply PM frameworks and tools in a set of team-based activities. The session will culminate in interactive discussions around how to apply PM frameworks in running research projects and managing a lab.


M. Chiara Manzini, PhD

Associate Professor

Child Health Institute of New Jersey

Team Science

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) invites you to attend two in-person Team Science workshops on Thursday, April 7, 2022.

Attendees can select to participate in the morning session (9am-12pm), Introduction to Team Science, or the morning session followed by an interactive session in the afternoon (2pm-4pm), Developing Your Identity as a Team Leader.

*In order to attend the afternoon session, you must attend the morning session.

Morning Session - Introduction to Team Science, 9:00am-12:00pm:


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