Purpose: Update changes to a postdoc record over time
Confidentiality: Change forms are a part of Student Records. Do not enter confidential information.
Jump to: How to Upload Document to Change Form or How to Determine FY25 Minimum Funding for Current Postdocs
To Create a Change Form:
- In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center Tab > Postdoc > Postdoctoral Administrative Forms > Change Transactions
- Click "Add" (leave search fields blank)
Change form data entry
- Multiple changes can be processed on the same change form
- Change type checkboxes: Click the applicable box(es) for the change(s) to be made:
- Appointment dates change
- Faculty Change
- Research Experience
- Policy Exception
- Student ID field: Enter the student ID number, OR
- Click the magnifying glass to “Look Up” the student ID
- Enter the postdoc first and last names, click “Look Up”
- From Search Results, click the postdoc name
- Current postdoc data appears
- Review current data for outdated information that should be updated with this change form!
- Click the magnifying glass to “Look Up” the student ID
- Student ID field: Enter the student ID number, OR
- Enter a new start date only if the actual start date of the appointment has changed, (i.e., deferred start date due to visa delay)
- Are you changing the Start Date for this appointment field: If yes, check this box
- New Appointment Start Date field: Enter the new start date
- Are you changing the End Date for this appointment field: If yes, check this box
- New/Extended End Date for Appointment field: Enter the new end date
- “Total Experience with Reappointment Term Included” and “Applicable Research Experience To Date” fields: auto-populated with new totals after you tab out of the New End Date Field
- Faculty Sponsor ID field: Enter the Faculty Sponsor ID number, OR
- Click the magnifying glass to “Look Up” the Faculty Sponsor ID
- Additional Research Mentor field: Repeat the above steps to add or change a Research Mentor
- Comments field: Enter any relevant comments
- Note: If the faculty sponsor name is not found, contact the Registrar’s Office for instruction on adding faculty to the Advisor Table
- Faculty Sponsor ID field: Enter the Faculty Sponsor ID number, OR
- The Prior Research Experience table is imported from the recommendation form and displayed here
- Admin Explanation field: If applicable, explain the revision(s) that are made in the Correction to Prior Month Research section
- Correction to Prior Month Research section:
- Currently listed as field: Displays the current number of months of prior research experience calculated on the postdoc record
- Prior months research at start of appointment should be field: Enter the number of months of previous research experience before the start date of the current appointment
- Research months discount for leaves section:
- IMPORTANT: DO NOT ENTER DISCOUNTS FOR UNPAID LEAVES OF ABSENCE; unpaid leave discounts are calculated on the leave of absence web form
- Total months of leave to date field: Displays the total number of months of paid leave already discounted
- Enter additional months leave field: Enter the new number of months of paid medical disability/maternity/paternity leave taken
- Paid Leave of Absence dropdown menu: Select the appropriate reason for the paid leave
- Notes field: Enter details explaining the reason and specific dates of paid leave
- Previous Change Transactions link: Displays a summary of any prior research experience or discount change transactions
- If there were no previous research experience transactions, the dialogue box will be empty
- The Prior Research Experience table is imported from the recommendation form and displayed here
- Select Policy Exception(s) you wish to request: Select the checkbox for "Temporary reduction of FTE" or "Other"
- If the "Temporary reduction of FTE" checkbox is not displayed, the postdoc is not eligible for that policy exception at this time
- Temporary reduction of FTE section:
- Purpose: Allows temporary reduction of work hours for recovery from medical illness or injury, or additional baby bonding time after maternity/paternity leave
- Important: DO NOT submit a Temporary Reduction of FTE IF:
- Purpose: Allows temporary reduction of work hours for recovery from medical illness or injury, or additional baby bonding time after maternity/paternity leave
- Select Policy Exception(s) you wish to request: Select the checkbox for "Temporary reduction of FTE" or "Other"
- Postdoc has filed or will file a disability claim with the Postdoc Benefits Office for the same issue
- The Postdoc is a J-1 visa holder; J-1 visa regulations do not permit reduced FTE
Contact postdocbenefits@stanford.edu (link sends e-mail) for more information.
- Select reason for request checkboxes: Select the applicable checkbox to indicate the reason for the request
- Start Date of Reduced FTE field: Enter the date the reduced FTE period will begin
- End Date of Reduced FTE field: Enter the date the reduced FTE period will end
- FTE (decimal) field: Enter the percentage of FTE that will be worked (e.g., .75)
- The postdoc's faculty sponsor has approved the request for temporary reduction of FTE checkbox: Click the checkbox if the faculty sponsor approved the request
- Provide a detailed statement supporting the policy exception text boxes: Enter detailed responses to each of the five questions that support the policy exception request
- Supporting web forms and document(s):
- Change web form
- Upload any relevent document(s) that support the reason for the request
- Other Policy Exception (request a policy exception based on a postdoc's specific circumstances)
- Purpose: OPA review of other circumstances that may justify a policy exception
- Provide a detailed statement supporting the policy exception text boxes: Enter detailed responses to each of the five questions that support the policy exception request
- Supporting web forms and document(s):
- Change web form
- Upload any relevant document(s) that support the reason for the request
- NEW! Postdoc admin may upload documents directly in the change form when:
- The recommendation form is approved; e.g., upload of EAD card or other documents that become available after rec form approval
- Do NOT Save or Submit the change form when only uploading a document, simply exit the form after the upload is complete
- Email your OPA manager to advise them of the upload if not submitting the change form to report a change
- Needed to support a policy exception request
- The recommendation form is approved; e.g., upload of EAD card or other documents that become available after rec form approval
- Document Type dropdown menu: Select the document type being uploaded
- Click "Upload File"
- Click "Choose File" to select the document from your hard drive; click "Upload"
- Confirm the document title displays in the Attachments box; click "View File" to confirm document opens
- NEW! Postdoc admin may upload documents directly in the change form when:
- Enter any comments for Approvers or OPA (comments are visible to all, including the postdoc)
- Click “Save” to save the form and return later; OR click “Submit” to route the form for approval
- Email notification to postdoc is automatically sent
NEW! How to Determine FY25 Minimum Funding for Current Postdocs
- In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoc Administrative Forms
- Click the "Change Transactions" radio button
- Click "Add" (leave search fields blank)
- Click the "Appointment dates change" checkbox
- Enter the student ID in the Student ID field (or click the magnifying glass to search by postdoc name)
- Tab out of the Student ID field to populate the "Postdoc and Appointment Information" box with postdoc data
- In the "Appointment Date Change" box, click the checkbox for "Are you changing End Date for this appointment?"
- In the "New/Extended End Date for Appointment" field, enter end date 09/01/24, then tab out of the date field
- The "Total Experience with Reappointment Term Included" calculates the number of research experience months as of 09/01/24
- Copy or note the number of research experience months, then EXIT the change form (DO NOT SAVE OR SUBMIT!)
- Return to the FY25 Minimum Funding table to find the minimum amount required based on the number of months of research experience you noted
- Go to GFS to enter a new 09/01/24 pay line using the minimum funding (or higher) amount
Returned Transaction Codes:
- Change forms that are returned to the originating postdoc admin now include return codes to help identify the reason for return, make edits, and resubmit to workflow for resumed processing
- Postdoc admin must indicate all return codes are resolved to resubmit the change form to workflow
- A list of Returned Transaction Codes is available here
Search for a Previously Saved or Submitted Change Form:
- In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoc Administrative Forms
- Click the “Change Transactions” radio button
- To search for all change forms, click “Search”
- To search for a specific change form:
- In the search criteria fields, enter the postdoc's first and last names, and click "Search"
- From the Search Results, click the Transaction ID of the change form
Search for a Student ID:
Please allow 24-48 hours (longer during high volume times) for Student IDs to be created after appointment approval
If you do not have access to PeopleSoft or GFS to search for a Student ID, use this method:
- In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoc Administrative Forms
- Click the "Change Transactions" button
- Click "Add"
- Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Student ID field
- In the Look Up box, enter the postdoc’s first and last names
- Click "Look Up"
- The student ID is displayed in the Search Results
- Write down (or copy and paste) the ID number
- Exit the look up box
- Exit the change form without saving or submitting