Program Overview
The Postdoc Teaching Certificate is offered through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to provide teaching preparation and practice to postdoctoral scholars. Teaching is integral to the professional development of many postdocs, especially those seeking academic careers. This certificate has been developed to provide a framework on which to build your skills, practice new techniques, and reflect on the experience. The certificate requires approximately 100 hours to complete, and can be completed in one year, or over the course of several years. The preparation, practice, assessment, and reflection will be complied to serve as the basis of your teaching portfolio, the capstone piece of the certificate.
Participation in the teaching certificate program is voluntary and must be approved by your faculty sponsor. We recommend discussing your plans in the context of your Individual Development Plan. Also note postdoc policy on teaching.
The teaching certificate is comprised of 3 parts. Approximately 2/3 of your effort should be dedicated to teaching preparation and training. The remaining 1/3 is devoted to teaching and developing your portfolio.
At least 70 hours of teaching training, including: |
Approximately 20 hours of teaching practice, including: |
Approximately 10 hours toward preparing a teaching portfolio: |
There is no required order to the components, although we recommend specific skills development before practice (e.g. take a course in curriculum design before designing your curriculum).
Postdoc Teaching Certificate Process
- Register here for the Teaching Certificate Program (
- Sign up for the Postdoc Teaching Interest email list at if you haven’t already. Any opportunities we hear of that would count toward the Teaching Certificate will be sent out via that email list. (
Begin taking part in activities that will count toward the Teaching Certificate, as outlined below. If you have questions about whether an activity would be applicable, please email
OPA Staff responds to inquiries in the mailbox on a bimonthly basis. Postdocs desiring a response in less than two weeks are encouraged to include Urgent in the subject of their email to to request an expedited response.
- Record each of your activities in this form (
The form requests the following information: Name of Workshop, Institution/Organization, Name of Instructor(s), Date(s), Email contact, URL (if available), 3+ Learning Goals or Key Takeaways, and Reflection. Be sure to email yourself a copy of your responses, as this will be helpful as you create your Teaching Statement.
- Begin collecting materials for your Teaching Portfolio.
Postdoc Teaching Certificate Requirements: Teaching Training
You are required to complete a total of 70 hours of teaching training, combining the following 3 types of training activities. Only in-class hours for teaching training activities may be counted toward your total hours (do not count time for homework or other engagement/preparation). Please note, workshops solely on mentoring, like OPA's Mentoring in Research, are not eligible for the teaching certificate.
Core Teaching Training: At least 24 hours
A comprehensive teaching training workshop that provides a holistic foundation for teaching improvement and/or pedagogical theory is required, this is one of two that fulfills this requirement:
- Teaching Workshop for Postdocs (7.5 hours) This workshop is offered 2 times per year and has limited enrollment; please indicate your interest in the Teaching Certificate when applying.
- Scientific Teaching Institute (24 hrs) or Scientific Teaching Series (2 hrs/session)
- Other Comprehensive Pedagogy Workshop or Course (min. 15 hours)
- VPTL 280: Learning & Teaching of Science - The course involves readings, discussion, and application of ideas through the creation of learning activities.
- VPTL 312: Science and Engineering Course Design - Learn how to design effective course materials applying research in science and engineering. Topics include syllabus design, course content and format decisions, assessment planning and grading, and strategies for teaching improvement.
- CIRTL MOOC 1 or 2 (or via edx)
Postdoc Pedagogy Journal Club: At least 6 hours
- Postdoc Pedagogy Journal Club (at least 6 sessions are required and should be reported as Journal Club hours)
Elective Courses/Workshops
The number of courses required depends on the number of in-class hours total among all types of teaching training, totaling a minimum of 70 training hours. These may be workshops on aspects of teaching preparation; specific teaching techniques; diversity, equity, and inclusion, etc.
In addition to workshops hosted by OPA (many listed below), the following partners frequently offer teaching training opportunities open to postdocs:
- Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL Events, Teach Anywhere, Teaching Commons)
- Vice Provost for Grauduate Education (teaching-related programs and opportunities)
- Teaching & Mentoring Academy (Academy programs)
Postdoc Teaching Certificate Requirements: Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice: approximately 20 hours including preparation time
You are required to teach at least 5 hours in a classroom. The 5 hours is in-class time and does not include preparation time.
- Guest Lecturing, Mini-Courses, Full Courses, Workshops, etc.
- Lead a Pedagogy Journal Club meeting
- Stanford Splash
- Pre-Collegiate Institute(Summer Institute, International Programs, Circles, etc.)
- BioSciences Grant Writing Academy Grant Coach
This will likely include a combination of multiple opportunities.
Each Teaching opportunity must include:
- Original course content
- Teacher assessment: evaluation surveys, pre/post assessments, observer and feedback; video and feedback
- Class activities, assignments, and/or assessments
Postdoc Teaching Certificate Requirements: Teaching Portfolio
Upon completion of your required hours, you must submit a teaching portfolio for review. Your portfolio must include a teaching philosophy statement. This UM CRLT site has compiled a lot of great resources on writing a teaching philosophy statement.
You may also submit any combination of other portfolio pieces, including but not limited to:
- Original Course Syllabi
- Teaching Evaluations, Annotated*
- Course Assignments, Annotated*
- Course Assessments, Annotated*
- Teaching Video
- Other Portfolio Content, as applicable
*Teaching Portfolio annotations assist a hiring committee in assessing your portfolio items. Information to provide may include:
- What audience: who are the students, what level, what prior knowledge, etc.?
- Curricular context (within overall curriculum, course, etc.)?
- Specific (learning) goals?
- Delivery method? Activities?
- Class size? Adaptability to other class sizes?
- Class length? Amount of out-of-class work intended?
- What did you learn? What would you change?