The Postdoc Mentoring Certificate provides a framework on which to develop your mentoring skills, practice new techniques, and reflect on your experience.
The 2-part certificate provides flexibility, encouraging the development of fundamental skills in Tier 1, and then applying those skills in Tier 2. The combination of workshops, small group discussion, and practice is supported by postdoc coaches and regular drop-in lunch sessions to address real-life challenges and celebrate success.
Tier 1: Learn focuses on fundamental skills in mentoring. An interactive workshop along with several Mentoring Monday sessions provides the context for a capstone reflection that underlies future development as a mentor.
Tier 2: Practice applies skills and reflection to a mentoring relationship. Mentoring Mondays, self-assessment, and guided development of expectations and philosophy support a capstone portfolio.
Tier 1 must be completed before beginning Tier 2.
Requirement Overview
Tier 1: Learn | Tier 2: Practice | |
Training |
Mentoring Fundamentals Mentoring Mondays (4 sessions minimum) |
Completion of Tier 1 Mentoring Mondays (4 sessions minimum) |
Integration |
Assessment Complete a self-assessment to benchmark your mentoring confidence. Use the same assessment after completing the training to measure your growth. Reflection Integrate what you learn into your mentoring practice. |
Mentoring Experience Apply new knowledge as a mentor for a minimum of a quarter. Begin by developing a mentoring compact with them. Assessment Complete a self-assessment both before and after the mentoring period. Mentees may also submit an optional confidential assessment. Reflection Complete weekly reflections to support mentoring engagement. Attend a 1:1 peer mentor coaching session. |
Capstone |
Reflections on Mentoring Reflect on new mentoring skills using guided questions. |
Mentoring Portfolio Create a portfolio consisting of assets developed during Tier 1 & 2 (mentor-mentee check-in outline, mentoring compact, and philosophy statement). |
Tier 1: Learn
- Register for the mentoring certificate HERE (link is external).
- Log all activities marked *Log in the PMC reflection form. You’ll receive a link to the reflection form when you register.
- Complete the Tier 1 pre-assessment. You’ll receive a link to the pre-assessment when you register.
- Take Mentoring Fundamentals, offered every 6 weeks. *Log
- Attend 4 Mentoring Mondays. *Log
- Complete the Tier 1 post-assessment, focusing on your learning through Tier 1. You’ll receive a link to the post-assessment when you have logged the minimum requirements.
- Complete and upload your Reflections on Mentoring. You’ll receive a link to Reflections on Mentoring when you submit your post-assessment.
- Celebrate your Tier 1: Learn certificate!
Tier 2: Practice
- Identify a mentee
- Log all activities marked *Log in the PMC reflection form. You’ll receive a link to the reflection form and instructions when you register for the certificate; this is the same link as Tier 1.
- Complete the Tier 2 pre-assessment.
- Develop a mentoring compact with your mentee. Details are sent via email.
- Develop your weekly mentor-mentee check-in outline to guide your mentee check-ins.
- Submit a weekly reflection during the mentoring period *Log: minimum 6
- Participate in 4 sessions of training, including a minimum of 2 Mentoring Mondays. *Log
- Complete the Tier 2 post-assessment.
- Participate in a Peer Mentor Coaching Session: Make sure to complete the Coaching Structured Feedback Form, Mentoring Compact, and weekly Check-ins before scheduling this. *Log
- Create your Mentoring Philosophy capstone and upload all portfolio documents.
- Celebrate your Tier 2: Practice certificate!
- Continue attending Mentoring Mondays!
Do I need to tell my faculty mentor I’m doing this?
We recommend discussing your plans with your faculty sponsor in the context of your Individual Development Plan. The Tier 2 mentoring experience in particular can benefit from discussion with experienced mentors.
How do I sign up?
Click here (link is external) to register for the postdoc mentoring certificate.
How long will it take to earn Tier 1?
Tier 1 can be completed as quickly as within 2-3 months, though postdocs may take as long as they need.
How long will it take to earn Tier 2
Tier 2 can be completed within 6 months, though postdocs may take as long as they need.
What activities do I have to log?
In Tier 1, complete:
(1) pre-assessment
(2) post-assessment
(3) each workshop you attend (Mentoring Fundamentals and 4 Mentoring Mondays)
In Tier 2, complete:
(1) pre-assessment
(2) post-assessment
(3) weekly check-in reflections during the mentoring experience (6 minimum)
(4) each workshop you attend (4 Mentoring Mondays and/or elective workshops)
(5) mentoring compact
(6) mentoring portfolio (including philosophy statement)
How do I track my progress?
We encourage you to click the checkbox to designate the database to email yourself a copy of your form responses, as this will be helpful as you create your capstone.
Is there a checklist to assist me in tracking my progress?
Yes, use this checklist (requires being logged into Google with your Stanford address; this URL will make a copy of the checklist in your own drive): (link (link is external))