January 11, 2021 - 9:00am to 10:50am

The Winter 2021 Preparing Future Professors Program Application  -- Opens September 4, 2020 and closes October 7, 2020.

Description of Program:

Preparing Future Professors (PFP) is a mentoring program that offers Stanford students and postdocs the opportunity to experience faculty life first-hand at a teaching-focused institution. Trainees are paired with professors whom they shadow weekly. The goal of the PFP program is to broaden participants’ perspectives on higher education. In addition to working with their faculty mentors, participants also attend a weekly seminar course which covers various opportunities for academic careers in a cross-section of higher education institutions and provides in-depth conversation about what students are doing and learning as they work with their faculty mentors.

Even though these are uncertain times, we do know with certainty, that having knowledge and exposure to faculty roles and responsibilities remains important while seeking an academic career. Therefore, we are prepared to offer this program within the appropriate health safety conditions in place during the Winter Quarter -- whether it be in person, all virtual, or a combination. Each host campus is prepared to assign you experienced mentors, who are now, also experienced in responding to teaching situations under the guidelines and restrictions due to the pandemic.

Attendance Requirements:

  • PFP Kick-Off Event: Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 4:30pm.
  • Winter Quarter 2021 Seminar: EDUC 343B: Practicum for fellows in the Stanford PFP Program – Fridays, January 11 – March 19, 2021.
  • Winter/Spring Shadowing: at San Jose State University, University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, Menlo College, West Valley College during the Spring semester (late-January to mid-May 2021) or Foothill College during Winter quarter (early January to mid-March 2021).
  • PFP End-of-Year Event: Wednesday, May 13, 2021 at 4:30pm.

More information about this program can be found here.

Application Process:

Fill out the application and upload your current Curriculum Vitae/CV and Personal Statement describing your career goals and what matters to you as a teacher.

Selection of PFP Fellows is based on a holistic review of applications and the ability to match promising applicants at their desired institution. As noted below, the endorsement of your primary postdoctoral mentor/PI is also required.

You are encouraged to discuss your application with your primary postdoctoral mentor/PI in advance. After you submit your application, an email will be sent to your advisor, who will be directed to a web site to indicate support for your application. If a confirmation of support is not received from your PI/Mentor by the application deadline, we will need to remove your application from consideration.

OPA Program