Spring 2020 quarter classes will be offered entirely online.
In Preparing for Faculty Careers, we will offer a blend of lecture and discussion designed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars considering academic careers. The objectives of the course are that students will: • engage in introspection to understand and be able to articulate their VITAE • gain an in-depth understanding of different types of faculty roles • gauge and be able to explain their fit within the landscape of various academic careers • be confident in their familiarity with and preparation for the job search process • be able to tailor their self-presentation in applications and interviews to specific institutions • assess and improve their abilities in a variety of faculty skills • be aware of resources and opportunities at Stanford to improve their faculty career skills • establish a timeline and plan of action for progressing their professional development and job search readiness (for any ultimate career goal)
Advanced graduate students may choose to enroll via Axess or register as an auditor. Postdocs must apply to audit. Auditors are asked to pay a $100 deposit, which is refunded upon satisfactory attendance.