POGIL - February 10, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Rachel Willand-Charnley, Biology (IRACDA Scholar)
- Eberlein, Thomas, Jack Kampmeier, Vicky Minderhout, Richard S. Moog, Terry Platt, Pratibha Varma-Nelson, and Harold B. White. “Pedagogies of Engagement in Science: A Comparison of PBL, POGIL, and PLTL.” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 36:4 (2008) 262-273.
- Lees, A. Bryan. “Making Science Accessible in the Lives of Nonscience Majors Using POGIL and Project-Based Learning.” Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), Richard S. Moog, et al., eds. (2008) 173-185.
- Daubenmire, Patrick L. and Diane M. Bunce. “What Do Students Experience During POGIL Instruction?” Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), Richard S. Moog, et al., eds. (2008) 87-99.
Metacognition - March 9, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Michelle Badura, Chemical & Systems Biology (IRACDA Alumni)
- Tanner, Kimberly T. “Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning: Promoting Student Metacognition” CBE—Life Sciences Education 11:2 (2012).
- Stanton, Julie Dangremond, Xyanthe N. Neider, Isaura J. Gallegos, and Nicole C. Clark. “Differences in Metacognitive Regulation in Introductory Biology Students: When Prompts Are Not Enough” CBE—Life Sciences Education 14:2 (2015).
- Connell, Georgianne L., Deborah A. Donovan, and Timothy G. Chambers “Increasing the Use of Student-Centered Pedagogies from Moderate to High Improves Student Learning and Attitudes about Biology” CBE—Life Sciences Education 15:1 (2015).
Identity Threat and Stereotype Threat - April 6, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Lawrence Uricchio, Biology (IRACDA Scholar)
- Miyake , Akira, Lauren E. Kost-Smith, Noah D. Finkelstein, Steven J. Pollock, Geoffrey L. Choen, Tiffany A. Ito. "Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science: A Classroom Study of Values Affirmation" Science 330 (2010), 1234-1237.
- Spencer, Steven J., Christine Logel and Paul G. Davies. "Stereotype Threat" Annual Review of Psychology 67 (2016), 415-437.
- Spencer, Steven J., Claude M. Steele, Diane M. Quinn. "Stereotype Threat and Women's Math Performance." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 35 (1999), 4-28.
- Schinske, Jeffrey, Monica Cardenas, and Jahana Kaliangara. "Uncovering Scientist Stereotypes and Their Relationships with Student Race and Student Success in a Diverse, Community College Setting" CBE—Life Sciences Education 14 (2015) 1-16.
- Lauer, Shanda, Jennifer Momsen, Erika Offerdahl, Mila Kryjevskaia, Warren Christensen and Lisa Montplaisir. "Stereotyped: Investigating Gender in Introductory Science Courses" CBE—Life Sciences Education 12 (2013) 30-38.
Bloom's Taxonomy - May 4, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Lori Ling, Genetics
- Lord, Thomas and Sandhya Baskivar, “Moving Students From Information Recitation to Information Understanding: Exploiting Bloom’s Taxonomy in Creating Science Questions” Journal of College Science Teaching 36:5 (2007), 40-43.
- Krathwol, David R. "A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview" Theory Into Practice 41:4 (2010), 212-218.
- Starr, Christopher W., Bill Manaris, and RoxAnn H. Stalvey. “Bloom’s Taxonomy Revisited: Specifying Assessable Learning Objectives in Computer Science” Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. (2008), 261-265.
- Crowe, Alison, Clarissa Dirks, and Mary Pat Wenderoth. "Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom’s Taxonomy to Enhance Student learning in Biology” CBE—Life Sciences Education 7 (2008) 368-381. · Paul, Richard W. “Bloom’s Taxonomy and Critical Thinking Instruction” Educational Leadership 42:8 (1985), 36-39.
Word Watching in the Classroom: Micro-aggressions, Trigger Words and Creating a Safe Learning Environment - June 29, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Lisa Offringa, Stanford Prevention Research Center (IRACDA Scholar)
- Shapiro, Jenessa R. and Amy M. Williams. “The Role of Stereotype Threats in Undermining Girls’ and Women’s Performance and Interest in STEM Fields” Sex Roles 66:3 (2012): 175-183.
- Boysen, Guy A. “Teacher and Student Perceptions of Microaggressions in College Classrooms” College Teaching 60:3 (2012): 122-129.
- Kohli, Rita and Daniel G. Solorzano. “Teachers, please learn our names!:racial microagressions and the K-12 classroom.” Race Ethnicity and Education 15:4 (2012): 441-462.
Utilizing Active Learning in the Classroom - August 24, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Rachel Willand-Charnley, Biology (IRACDA Scholar)
- Connell, Georgianne L., Deborah A. Donovan, and Timothy G. Chambers. "Increasing the Use of Student-Centered Pedagogies from Moderate to High Improves Student Learning and Attitudes about Biology." CBE-Life Sciences Education 15.1 (2016): ar3.
- LoPresto, Michael C., and Timothy F. Slater. "A New Comparison Of Active Learning Strategies To Traditional Lectures For Teaching College Astronomy." Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE) 3.1 (2016): 59-76.
- Smith, Michelle K., et al. "Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions." Science 323.5910 (2009): 122-124.
- Armbruster, Peter, et al. "Active learning and student-centered pedagogy improve student attitudes and performance in introductory biology." CBE-Life Sciences Education 8.3 (2009): 203-213.
- Barkley, Elizabeth F. Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Designing Content Around Learning Objectives, Postdoc Teaching Certificate - October 17, 2016
Presenter: Sofie Kleppner, Associate Dean of Postdoctoral Affairs, and Robin Sugiura, Associate Director of Programs, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Backward Design - November 14, 2016
Presenters: Dr. Katherine Grabek, Genetics, and Dr. Emily Sontag, Biology
- Allen, D., & Tanner, K. (2007). Putting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart: Using Visions and Decisions about High-Quality Learning Experiences to Drive Course Design. Cell Biology Education, 6(2), 85-89. doi:10.1187/cbe.07-03-0017 Link
- Miskowski, J. A., Howard, D. R., Abler, M. L., & Grunwald, S. K. (2007). Design and implementation of an interdepartmental bioinformatics program across life science curricula. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 35(1), 9-15. doi:10.1002/bmb.12 Link
- Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Read Chapter 1: Link
Quantitative Reasoning in Introductory Science Courses- December 12, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Katherine Follette, Physics and Astronomy
- Follette, Katherine B., Sanlyn Buxner, Erin Dokter, Donald W. McCarthy, Beau Vezino and Laci Brock. " The Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Assessment, 2: Demographic, Academic and Attitudinal Variables as Predictors of Quantitative Ability". Numeracy 10(1): TBD (in press). Link
- Follette, Katherine B., Donald W. McCarthy, Erin Dokter, Sanlyn Buxner, and Edward Prather. 2015. “The Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Assessment, 1: Development and Validation,” Numeracy 8(2): Article 2. Link
- Steen, L.A., ed. 2001. Mathematics and Democracy. Princeton, NJ: National Council on Education and the Disciplines. Link
Engaging a Wide Range of Learners - January 23, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Maureece Levin, Archaeology, and Dr. Paul Allegretti, Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism
- Spelt, E. J., Biemans, H. J., Tobi, H., Luning, P. A., & Mulder, M. (2009). Teaching and learning in interdisciplinary higher education: A systematic review. Educational Psychology Review, 21(4), 365-378. Link
- Felder, R. M.; Brent, R. (2005) Understanding Student Differences. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 57-72. Link
Disciplinary Thinking and Learning Bottlenecks - February 22, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Marta Shocket
- Hinds, P. J., Patterson, M., & Pfeffer, J. (2001). Bothered by Abstraction: The Effect of Expertise on Knowledge Transfer and Subsequent Novice Performance. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 86(6), 1232-1243. Link
- Middendorf, J. and Pace, D. (2004), Decoding the disciplines: A model for helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2004: 1–12. Link
- Pace, D. (2004), Decoding the reading of history: An example of the process. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2004: 13–21. Link
- Geology: Zhu, C., Rehrey, G., Treadwell, B., & Johnson, C. C. (2012). Looking back to move ahead: How students learn geologic time by predicting future environmental impacts. Journal of College Science Teaching, 41(3), 54-60. Link
- Molecular/Cellular biology: Zolan, M., Strome, S. and Innes, R. (2004), Decoding genetics and molecular biology: Sharing the movies in our heads. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2004: 23–32. Link
- Astronomy: Durisen, R. H. and Pilachowski, C. A. (2004), Decoding astronomical concepts. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2004: 33–43. Link
- Humanities: Ardizzone, T., Breithaupt, F. and Gutjahr, P. C. (2004), Decoding the humanities. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2004: 45–56. Link
The Power of Feedback - March 20, 2017
Presenter: Dr. Kim Ngan Do, Health Policy
- John Hattie, Helen Timperley. The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research. 2007.77.1 Link
- Yeager DS et.al. Breaking the cycle of mistrust: wise interventions to provide critical feedback across the racial divide. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 2014. 143(2), 804-824 Link
Attributes and Characteristics of a Good Teacher From the Student's Perception - April 17, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Hakan Inan, Radiology
- Schaeffer, Gerald, et.al. "Faculty Forum: Student and Faculty Perceptions of Effective Teaching: A Sucessful Replication." Teaching of Psychology. 2003. 30(2), 133-136. Link (pp 133-6; requires SUNet login)
- Keeley, Jared, et.al. "The Teacher Behaviors Checklist: Factor Analysis of Its Utility for Evaluating Teaching." Teaching of Psychology. 2006. 33(2), 84-91. Link (requires SUNet login)
- Jahangiri, Leila and Thomas W. Mucciolo. "Characteristics of Effective Classroom Teachers as Identified by Students and Professionals: A Qualitative Study." Journal of Dental Education. 2008. 74(2), 484-493. Link
Diversity & Inclusiveness - May 15, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Pascale Guiton, Microbiology & Immunology, and Dr. Pedro Morgado, Infectious Diseases
- Lawrie, G., Marquis, E., Fuller, E., Newman, T., Qiu, M., Nomikoudis, M., Roelofs, F., & van Dam, L. (2017). Moving Towards Inclusive Learning and Teaching: A Synthesis of Recent Literature. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(1), 1-13. Link
- Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (Whitepaper, US Department of Education) Link
- Kronman, A. "Is Diversity a Value in Higher Education?" Yale Law School. Link
- Dierker, Lisa, et.al. (2016) "Engaging Diverse Students in Statistical Inquiry: A Comparison of Learning Experiences and Outcomes of Under-Represented and NonUnderrepresented Students Enrolled in a Multidisciplinary Project-Based Statistics Course," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: 10(1) Link
Two-Stage Collaborative Exams - June 12, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Iris Howley, Graduate School of Education
- Gilley & Clarkston (2014). “Collaborative testing: Evidence of learning in a controlled in-class study of undergraduate students.” Link
- Smith et al. (2009) “Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions.” Link
- Rieger & Heiner (2014). “Examinations that support collaborative learning: the students' perspective.” Link
- Weiman et al. (2014). “Physics exams that promote collaborative learning.” Link
- Jang et al. (2017). “Collaborative exams: Cheating? Or learning?” Link
- Zimbardo, P. G., Butler, L. D., & Wolfe, V. A. (2003). Cooperative college examinations: More gain, less pain when students share information and grades. The Journal of Experimental Education, 71(2), 101-125. Link (psychology)
- Zipp, J. F. (2007). Learning by exams: The impact of two-stage cooperative tests. Teaching Sociology, 35(1), 62-76. Link (sociology)
- Lusk, M., & Conklin, L. (2003). Collaborative testing to promote learning. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(3), 121-124. Link (nursing)
- Leight, H., Saunders, C., Calkins, R., & Withers, M. (2012). Collaborative testing improves performance but not content retention in a large-enrollment introductory biology class. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 11(4), 392-401. Link (biology)
Diagnostic Assessment - July 10, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Lawrence Uricchio, Biology, and Dr. Nadine Martinez, Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Definition of diagnostic/pre-assessment and clarifies how formative assessment differs: Link
- Smith, Julia I., and Kimberly Tanner. "The problem of revealing how students think: concept inventories and beyond." CBE-Life Sciences Education 9.1 (2010): 1-5. (A critical overview of techniques to diagnose student thinking) Link
- Treagust, David F. "Development and use of diagnostic tests to evaluate students’ misconceptions in science." International journal of science education 10.2 (1988): 159-169. (A classic paper about diagnostic tests) Link
- Garvin-Doxas, Kathy, and Michael W. Klymkowsky. "Understanding randomness and its impact on student learning: lessons learned from building the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI)." CBE-Life Sciences Education 7.2 (2008): 227-233. Link
- Queloz, Annie Champagne, et al. "Diagnostic of students' misconceptions using the Biological Concepts Instrument (BCI): A method for conducting an educational needs assessment." PloS one 12.5 (2017): e0176906. Link
- Shi, J., et al. "Using Pre-Assessment and In-Class Questions to Change Student Understanding of Molecular Movements." Journal of microbiology & biology education 18.1 (2017). Link
- Bissonnette, Sarah A., et al. "Using the Biology Card Sorting Task to Measure Changes in Conceptual Expertise during Postsecondary Biology Education." CBE-Life Sciences Education 16.1 (2017): ar14. Link
Syllabus Design - August 7, 2017
Presenters: Dr. Nicole Salazar, Pathology