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Job Aid: Termination Form

Purpose: End the postdoctoral appointment, health benefits, and tuition charges

Confidentiality: Termination forms are part of Student Records. Do not enter confidential information.

To create a new termination form: 

  • In AXESS: click the OPA/Bechtel Center Tab > Postdoc > Postdoctoral Administrative Forms > Termination Form
  • Click "Add" (leave search fields blank)

Termination form data entry

    • Student ID field:  Enter the student ID number, OR
      • Click the magnifying glass to “Look Up” the student ID
        • Enter the postdoc first and last names, click “Look Up”
        • From Search Results, click the postdoc name
      • Current postdoc data appears
    • Termination Date field:  The termination date entered here must occur on or before the End Date displayed
      • Appointments with a termination date that occurs after the end date displayed must be extended before the termination form can be submitted
        • Submit a change form to extend the appointment up to the termination date; after the change end date is approved, submit the termination form
    • Action Reason field: Click the magnifying glass, in the Look Up Box, click “Look Up”
      • From Action Reason results, click the most appropriate reason for the appointment ending
        • PACC - Accepted another position (use when postdoc ends appointment early to take another position)
        • PDEP - Department Transfer (use when postdoc is transferring to a new postdoc position in another Stanford department)
        • PEAR - Early Termination (for use ONLY when the PI ends appointment early due to loss of funding, program change, or poor postdoc performance. See required Early Termination procedures)
        • PEND - End of Appointment Term (use when postdoc has substantially completed the appointment term)
        • PPER - Personal/Family Reasons (use when postdoc ends appointment early for personal or family reasons)
        • PQWN - Quit without Notice (use when postdoc ends appointment early without notice)
        • PRES – Resignation (use when postdoc resigns appointment early)
        • RRTN - Failure to Return from LOA (use when postdoc fails to return from an approved leave of absence)
    • Address Line 1 field: Enter the forwarding street address
    • Address Line 2 field: If needed
    • City, State, Postal Code fields: Enter data
    • Email ID field: Enter a forwarding email address (CANNOT BE address)
    • Phone field: Enter new phone number
    • New Position Title field: Enter data
    • Type of Position field: Click the magnifying glass, in the Look Up Box, click “Look Up”
      • From Search Results, click the most appropriate position description
    • New Institution or Company field: Enter data
  • FOREIGN SCHOLARS BOX (these fields are auto-populated)
    • Comments are visible to all, including postdocs
    • This box must be checked to submit the form
    • Click “Save” to save the form and return later OR click “Submit” to route the form for approval
    • Email notification to Postdoc is automatically sent

End GFS Pay Lines​

  • ALL active pay line(s) in GFS must be terminated and approved with end date(s) that match the appointment end date (except department transfers, see below).


For Postdoc Department Transfers 

  • Provide the termination transaction number to the Postdoc Admin in the transfer department to create a new recommendation form for the transfer appointment. 
  • When GFS has active pay line(s) that transfer with the appointment to the new department, please note the pay line transfer in the comments to avoid approval delay.


To Search for a Previously Saved or Submitted Termination Form:

  • In AXESS:  Click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoctoral Administrative Forms > Termination Form
    • Click the “Termination Form” radio button
    • To search for all termination forms, click “Search”
  • To search for a specific termination form:
    • In the search criteria fields, enter the postdoc's first and last names, and click "Search"
    • From the Search Results, click the Transaction ID of the termination form


Late Terminations = Insurance Charges to Department:

  • COBRA regulations require Stanford to notify the COBRA plan administrator within 30 days of a postdoc's termination.
  • Postdocs not termed by the last business day of the month are considered active on the first day of the following month.
  • Insurance carrier billing is pulled on the first of each month.
    • To avoid paying health premiums after the termination date, an approved termination form must be received by the Postdoc Benefits Office by 3pm on the last business day of the month of termination.
  • Termination forms received 25 days or more after the termination date will have a termination date of the last day of the current month.
  • Late terminations processed during current month appear on the following month's bills as an adjustment, if applicable.
  • If applicable, credits will be issued on the following month's department charge file.


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