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Job Aid: Postdoc Invite

Purpose:  Initiate a NEW postdoctoral appointment

(do not send invite for department transfers or returning postdocs)

Confidentiality:  Invite forms are a part of Student Records. Do not enter confidential information.

See the Job Aid: Recommendation Form for new instructions for department transfers and returning postdocs.

To Create a New Appointment Postdoc Invite:

  • In AXESS:  click the OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoc Administrative Forms > Invite Form
  • Click "Add" (leave search fields blank)
    • Email ID field: Enter the email address of postdoc candidate you are inviting
      • If you must resend a lost invite to a postdoc, you must use a NEW email address for each invite
      • Email account must be accessable to the postdoc candidate until the appointment is approved
  • Click "Add"

Invite form data entry

  • First and last name fields: Enter the postdoc candidate's first and last names
    • The postdoc candidate's name fields populate in the email text below the invite data
  • Dept. ID field: Enter appointing department ID (or click the magnifying glass to look up)
  • Appointment Start Date field: Select the appointment start date in the drop-down calendar (optional)
  • Appointment End Date field: Select the appointment end date in the drop-down calendar (optional)
  • Faculty Sponsor ID field: Enter the faculty sponsor ID number (or click the magnifying glass to look up)
    • Note: If the faculty sponsor name is not found, contact the Registrar's Office for assistance with adding faculty to the Advisor Table
  • Research Mentor ID field: Leave blank when there is no secondary faculty, or when the research mentor and the faculty sponsor are the same person
    • If there is a research mentor different than the faculty sponsor, enter the research mentor's ID in this field (or use the magnifying glass to look up)
  • Email to applicant box: You may add text here, but DO NOT DELETE any of the pre-populated standard text in this box
    • Click "Save" to save the form and return later
    • Click "Send Mail" to send the invite to the postdoc candidate

Search for a Saved or Submitted Invite:

In AXESS:  click OPA/Bechtel Center tab > Postdoc > Postdoc Administrative Forms > Invite Form

  • Click "Find an Existing Value" tab
  • Enter the first and last name of the postdoc candidate in the search fields
  • Click "Search"


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