HealthStream Training for Postdoctoral Scholars Involved in Clinical Research

1. Principal Investigator, Lab Manager, or other qualified personnel completes the Qualtrics questionnaire to obtain SoM/SHC/LPCH  medical clearance requirements.

2. Postdoctoral Scholar completes HealthStream Training.

Login Instructions:

Your user name and password are the same. SMR plus your last 8 digits on your Stanford University Employee ID card.

Please note: your SU employee ID # is the number on the left hand side of your SU ID card, right below your name or on your SU paycheck. You may need to omit the first zero.

For Example: Your SU Employee ID is: 001234567 take the last 8-digits of your ID: 01234567 and add the prefix SMR Your HealthStream Login AND Password is: SMR01234567.

If you are a newly appointed Postdoctoral Scholar without an ID number, contact your Department Administrator. SU ID # is available 5 business days after the approval of the appointment by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

Training must be completed if you are a SoM (non-faculty) employee or postdoc who:

1. May be assigned duties with potential for occupational health exposures related to clinical
research participants and;

2. Performs job duties (including Epic access) within SHC, LPCH, and/or other Stanford affiliated
research patient care locations.

For staff who will participate in any clinical trials/research study, you are required to complete health screening, safety and compliance training administered by Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) and Stanford University Medical Center (SUMC) HealthStream.

Please direct your HealthStream Training questions to
