Postdoc Department Project
Choi, Charlotte Pathology

The role of DUO-1 in meiotic chromosome inheritance in C. elegans

Deshpande, Dhruva Chemical and Systems Biology Developing a Super-Resolution Imaging Platform to Study Replication Stress
Dinesh, Ravi Pathology Identifying determinants of SARS-CoV-2 tropism through gain of function screening
Eastman, Anna Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Clonal evolution of adult human neural stem cells in aging and brain disease
Grembi, Jessica Medicine/Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine Metabolic signature of Bifidobacterium-dominated gut microbiomes in non-exclusively breastfed children
Gullberg, Rebekah Genetics Assembly, composition and consequences of SARS-CoV2 virions
Guo, Caiwei Genetics Mechanisms of cryptic splicing in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia
Jones, Emily Neurobiology Investigating How Medial Entorhinal Cortical Sequences Support Spatial Navigation and Learning
Kumar, Rashmi Pathology Determining genomic drivers of the invasion-permissive microenvironment of ductal carcinoma in situ
Li, Xiling Neurosurgery Neural mechanisms underlying memory deficits associated with Fragile X syndrome
Martyn, Gabriella Genetics Revealing mechanisms behind disease variants via systematic CRISPR editing
Tan, Lek Wen Cardiovascular Institute Single-cell CRISPR Screen to Identify Druggable Enhancers for Heart Failure
Triandafillou, Catherine Chemical and Systems Biology Evolutionary signatures and trajectories of disordered signaling proteins
Wang, Yiliu Bioengineering Representation and credit assignment of motor errors in a forelimb grasping task
Zhao, Yufeng Neurobiology Engineering next-generation bioluminescent reporters for non-invasive brain imaging