Postdoc Department Project
Bhattacharya, Debadrita Pathology Investigating mechanisms of tumor development using a combination of molecular, cellular, genetic, and proteomic tools, with a focus on lung cancer development
Nakano, Michitaka Medicine/Hematology Generating tumor reactive T cells by macrophage checkpoint inhibition
Qu, Yimiao Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine How is a single extracellular signal re-interpreted to specify different cell-types in embryonic development?
Patel, Aleena Developmental Biology Untangling the molecular mechanisms of fruit fly genome organization
Cho, Hyunmin Pediatrics Genetics Hematopoietic stem cell-based therapy for Friedreich's ataxia: Can macrophages serve as a source of mitochondria?
Wu,  Cheng-Guo Molecular and Cellular Physiology Dynamic view of G protein-coupled receptor signaling probed by time-resolved cryoEM
Turn, Rachel Microbiology and Immunology The Role of eIF4G1 and eIF4G2 in Translational Control of Adipogenesis and Obesity
Waldman, Benjamin Microbiology and Immunology Investigation of Modoc virus as an interferon stimulant and therapeutic platform
Han, Mengting Bioengineering A Novel CRISPR Approach for Manipulating and Visualizing Real-Time mRNA Localization in Neurons
Afshar Bakooshli, Mohsen Microbiology and Immunology Role of 15-PGDH in neuromuscular junction aging and rejuvenation
Wang, Guiping Dermatology Decoding combinatorial activation of enhancers in cancers with single-cell resolution
Bandeira Sulczewski, Fernando Microbiology and Immunology Identifying the origin and transcriptional regulation of a novel dendritic cell subset
Marderstein, Andrew Pathology Prediction and validation of inflammatory disease risk from immunogenic dsRNA burden
Nguyen, Tri Genetics Decipher the functions of congenital heart defect genes by mapping them to pathways activated during endothelial cell differentiation
Deb, Brototo Cardiovascular Medicine Machine Learned Phenotypes for Atrial Fibrillation to Guide Therapy
Martinez Damonte, Valentina Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Modulation of ventral tegmental area circuit by somatodendritic release of cholecystokinin
Pan, Jie Pathology Astrocyte-mediated synapse elimination in early Alzheimer's disease
Nguyen, Hieu Radiation Physics Investigating the tumoricidal effect of radiation-induced nanobubbles
Matern, Maggie Surgical/Otolaryngology Head & Neck Characterization of otic progenitor cell development in stem cell derived inner ear organoids
Boltersdorf, Tamara Chemical and Systems Biology Development of optogenetic tools for studying BMP pathway-dependent patterning
Xu, Mengyuan Molecular & Cellular Physiology Structural analysis of CLC family proteins
Terui, Riki Chemical and Systems Biology Toward a molecular understanding how cells sense DNA damage
Pinto, Yishay Hematology Identification of human-bacteriophage interactions in human health
Ding, Ke Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicin Structural basis of natural Sonic hedgehog protein complexes governing in vivo signaling in tissue biology
Voilquin, Laetitia Pathology Molecular mechanisms of the ligand Isthmin-1 in controlling lipid metabolism