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OPA Program

Oral Communication Fall B

I: Oral Communication

Fall Session B: Tuesdays, October 29 - December 3 (no class 11/26), 5:00pm-7:00pm

This course focuses on helping students improve their oral communication skills for academic and daily life. Emphasis is on increasing confidence and fluency through realistic activities both in and out of class covering pronunciation, idiom and slang usage, active listening skills, and conversation strategies.

Course topics:

Oral Communication Fall A

I: Oral Communication

Fall Session A: Tuesdays, September 24 - October 22, 5:00pm-7:00pm

This course focuses on helping students improve their oral communication skills for academic and daily life. Emphasis is on increasing confidence and fluency through realistic activities both in and out of class covering pronunciation, idiom and slang usage, active listening skills, and conversation strategies.

Course topics:

Professional & Academic Writing Fall

II: Professional & Academic Writing

Prerequisite: Oral Communication

Fall Session: Wednesdays, September 25-October 30, 5:00pm-7:00pm

This  course on academic writing for publication focuses on learning to write coherently, clearly, and concisely. It will also include some practice in writing effective emails, letters, and short proposals. The course includes two 30-minute individual tutorials with the instructor.

Martial Arts of the Mind for Postdocs

Martial Arts for the Mind - Stress & Resilience Skills

Gain clarity of mind and an increased capacity to meet and overcome life's challenges.

This training provides both physical and cognitive techniques to overcome the negative impacts of stress, and to increase our capacity to bounce back from adversity.

Navy Seals use these techniques to calm intense fear before combat. Actors and athletes use them to enhance performance under pressure.

Pedagogy Journal Club: Relationship Between Instructors’ Fixed/Growth Mindsets and Students’ Success

Topic: Importance of Instructor Attitudes for Student Success

Required Readings:

Canning, E. A., Muenks, K., Green, D. J., & Murphy, M. C. (2019). STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes. Science Advances,5(2); pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau4734 -- LINK

Martial Arts of the Mind for Postdocs

Martial Arts for the Mind - Stress & Resilience Skills

Gain clarity of mind and an increased capacity to meet and overcome life's challenges.

This training provides both physical and cognitive techniques to overcome the negative impacts of stress, and to increase our capacity to bounce back from adversity.

Navy Seals use these techniques to calm intense fear before combat. Actors and athletes use them to enhance performance under pressure.

Academic Chats: Writing Well - Tips on How to Write Manuscripts That Others Want to Read & Talk About

You spend a lot of your time actually doing research, but the time comes when you need to write it up and get it published. In this session, several approaches to making this task efficient, effective, and enjoyable, will be discussed.

Guest Speaker(s): Zandra L. Jordan, Director, Hume Center for Writing & Speaking and Robyn Lockwood, Lecturer, Language Center

Martial Arts of the Mind for Postdocs

Martial Arts for the Mind - Stress & Resilience Skills

Gain clarity of mind and an increased capacity to meet and overcome life's challenges.

This training provides both physical and cognitive techniques to overcome the negative impacts of stress, and to increase our capacity to bounce back from adversity.

Navy Seals use these techniques to calm intense fear before combat. Actors and athletes use them to enhance performance under pressure.

Professional and Academic Writing Summer

II: Professional & Academic Writing

Prerequisite: Oral Communication

Summer Session: Wednesdays, July 10-August 14, 9:00am-11:00am

This  course on academic writing for publication focuses on learning to write coherently, clearly, and concisely. It will also include some practice in writing effective emails, letters, and short proposals. The course includes two 30-minute individual tutorials with the instructor.


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