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OPA Program

Pedagogy Journal Club: Learning from Error

Topic: Error, a lever for learning and teaching.

Required Readings:

Chathampally, Y., Cooper, B., Wood, D. B., Tudor, G., & Gottlie, M. (2020). Evolving from Morbidity and Mortality to a Case-based Error Reduction Conference: Evidence-based Best Practices from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors. West J Emerg Med.,21(6); pp. 231–241. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2020.7.47583 -- LINK

Pedagogy Journal Club: The Rise of Simulations and Digital Labs: Can It Replace Traditional Labs?

Topic: Simulation based learning in undergraduate level courses

Required Readings:

Campbell, J. O., Bourne, J. R., Mosterman, P. J., & Brodersen, A. J. (2002). The Effectiveness of Learning Simulations for Electronic Laboratories. Journal of Engineering Education,91(1); pp. 81-87. DOI: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2002.tb00675.x -- LINK

Designing Your Postdoc

Your postdoc training is more than just research! Apply design thinking to the wicked problem of a comprehensive postdoctoral training plan and make a bold plan that amplifies your interests and values as you transition to your career of choice. The work we do together will support new perspectives, identify mentoring needs, and ensure that your individual development plan is thoughtful and balanced.

Note: there is approximately an hour of required prework for this session. You will receive details for the prework upon registration.

Designing Your Postdoc

Your postdoc training is more than just research! Apply design thinking to the wicked problem of a comprehensive postdoctoral training plan and make a bold plan that amplifies your interests and values as you transition to your career of choice. The work we do together will support new perspectives, identify mentoring needs, and ensure that your individual development plan is thoughtful and balanced.

Note: there is approximately an hour of required prework for this session. You will receive details for the prework upon registration.

Pedagogy Journal Club: Teaching Controversy: Engaging Students on Difficult Topics

Topic: How to effectively teach when the issue is controversial and provoking.

Required Readings:

Alexakos, K., Pride, L.D., Amat, A., Tsetsakos, P., Lee, K. J., Paylor-Smith, C., Zapata, C., Wright, S., & Smith, T. (2016). Mindfulness and discussing "thorny" issues in the classroom. Cultural Studies of Science Education,11(3); pp. 741–769. DOI:10.1007/s11422-015-9718-0 -- LINK

Tips for a Memorable Job Talk

Wednesday, May 19, 12:00pm-1:30pm PT / 3:00pm-4:30pm ET, via Zoom

Giving a successful job talk requires more than simply knowing your topic inside and out.  In this interactive session, you’ll learn strategies for structuring your talk, accommodating diverse audiences so they see the value of your research, and enhancing your delivery so that your talk is clear, engaging and memorable.  You’ll see a few example approaches from successful job talks, so you can consider how to apply them to your own.

CVs and Cover Letters

Monday, May 17, 1:30pm-2:30pm PT / 4:30pm-5:30pm ET, via Zoom

In order to ensure the continued viability of your application in its review by members of academic search committees, this presentation will teach you how to prepare a clean CV and an efficient cover letter.

**IMPORTANT: If this is your first time registering for an event through our system, you will be asked to create an account before being able to access the event registration link -- please use your zoom account email address to register.

Writing a Compelling Teaching Statement

Wednesday, May 19, 1:30pm-2:30pm PT / 4:30pm-5:30pm ET, via Zoom

Writing effectively about your teaching is an important skill that you will need for the academic job search, grant submissions, and your future academic position.

**IMPORTANT: If this is your first time registering for an event through our system, you will be asked to create an account before being able to access the event registration link -- please use your zoom account email address to register.

The Institutional Landscape Panel and Faculty Breakout AMA

Thursday, May 20, 12:00pm-2:00pm PT / 3:00pm-5:00pm ET, via Zoom

This panel will feature faculty from a wide range of institution types and focus on their path, what the faculty role looks like at their institution, and what their search committees are looking for. After the panel, each faculty will be available in breakouts to answer questions and network with participants.

Moderated by Dr. Felicia Benton-Johnson, Assistant Dean and Director of Diversity and Engineering Education Outreach, College of Engineering, Georgia Tech.


How to Approach the Faculty Job Search and Still Keep Your Cool

Monday, May 17, 12:00pm-1:30pm PT / 3:00pm-4:30pm ET, via Zoom

Dr. Chris Golde will provide an overview of the faculty job search process. She will provide tips for approaching each of the written and verbal elements, including CVs, cover letters, research, diversity, and teaching statements, as well as job talks, interviews, and negotiation. Most importantly, this process is anchored in your goals and values.


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