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OPA Program

Improv for Communication I (3 weeks)

Improv for Communication uses techniques drawn from improvisational theater to develop communication skills that can be beneficial for collaboration, mentoring, day-to-day conversations, presentations, or job searches. 

The Introduction for Postdoctoral Scholars series is 3 weeks, held on Wednesdays 9-11am. Participants must be able to attend ALL 3 sessions.

Postdoc Fellowships BBL

BBL*: Finding and Applying for Postdoctoral Fellowships: Overview of Resources and Procedures - Open to ALL Postdocs

Presenters & Topics:

  • Debra Porzio, Postdoctoral Fellowships Manager, Research Management Group, School of Medicine

  • Tim Leung, Assistant Director, Office of Sponsored Research Pre-Award

  • Annelies Ransome, Associate Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

SMS: Developing a Personalized and Effective Mentorship Style

Dr. Sharon Pitteri, Assistant Professor of Radiology and Dr. Sofie Kleppner, Associate Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs

Establishing an authentic and effective mentorship style, if done well, can make your transition to a faculty role much easier. Topics covered will include setting expectations, motivating people, setting boundaries, establishing your lab culture, mentorship and working styles, and potential pitfalls in mentoring. This workshop will be a mix of lecture, scenarios, and discussion.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**

SMS: Understanding Technology Transfers

Dr. Anne Kopf-Sill, Licensing Associate from the Office of Technology Licensing

Understanding Technology Transfers with Anne Kopf-Sill, Office of Technology Licensing  –  Institutional Perspective & US Views:  this lecture provides an overview of patents, policy, royalties, licensing, inventorship issues and statistics.

**PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME out of respect for the speaker.**


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