Dept ID: 

Open Postdoctoral position, faculty mentor Tiziana Vanorio

The Rock Physics and Geomaterials Laboratory at Stanford University invites applications for three postdoctoral research associates to join an interdisciplinary team from Stanford Geoscience and Stanford Engineering research groups that are working on solutions to some of the most challenging scientific problems facing our Planet. The laboratory integrates physics- and mechanics-based principles with solid-fluid interactions in porous media, whether rocks or geomaterials.

Sindy Tang

From finger prick tests for blood glucose monitoring to industrial-scale drug screening in pharmaceutical companies, the ability to extract information from scarce volumes of samples quickly and cheaply is key to effective disease management and drug discovery. To this end, microfluidics offers major advantages over conventional liquid handling due to drastic reduction in reagent volume and the precise control of single cells, microtissues, and their microenvironments. The micro-nano-bio lab under the direction of Dr.

Beverley McKeon

Our lab focuses on experimental, data-driven and theoretical work in turbulent and unsteady flows, as they impact problems in aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, climate and energy. We have particular interests in developing hybrid approaches that exploit power of data, real-time sensing and actuation, modeling and machine learning to create innovative flow states and engineering capabilities.

Wendy Gu

Mechanics and Manufacturing. Development of novel materials for additive manufacturing such as nanocomposite two photon lithography resins, and metal-ceramic magnetic composites. Mechanics of energy materials (battery materials, materials for the hydrogen economy). Structural materials such as lightweight alloys and metallic glasses. 

Michaelle Mayalu

We are an interdisciplinary research laboratory that focuses on model-based analysis, design, and control of biological function at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels to optimize therapeutic intervention.

Near-future research directions

  • Design and implementation targeted synthetic microbe therapies
  • Interorgan communication in health and disease
  • Synthetic pattern formation in growing microbial populations

The Mayalu Lab is seeking bright, talented, and motivated graduate students and postdocs to fill several positions.

Sindy Tang

The micro-nano-bio lab under the direction of Prof. Sindy Tang aims to develop innovative micro and nanoscale devices that enable precise manipulation, measurement, and recapitulation of biological systems, in order to understand the "rules of life" and accelerate precision medicine and material design for a future with better health and environmental sustainability. Current projects include: food allergy diagnostics, single cell wound repair, microdissection of multicellular structures for organoids and spatial biology. Check out our website for latest updates.

Wendy Gu

- Mechanical behavior of nanomaterials and nanostructured metals

- Nano and metal additive manufacturing

- Materials at extreme conditions (e.g. high pressure)

- Materials for sustainability (e.g. hydrogen economy, batteries)
