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Naima Sharaf

Stanford Departments and Centers: 
Person Title: 
Assistant Professor

Proteins embedded in the cell envelope of bacteria perform multiple important functions, including signaling, nutrient acquisition, and export of virulence factors. Understanding the structure and functions of these proteins is critical for the development of new anti-bacterial therapies. Currently, the lab focuses on both ABC transporters and lipoproteins of Gram-negative bacteria. The ultimate goal of the research to translate basic lipoprotein research into novel therapuetics.

My goal as a mentor is to contribute to my mentees’ scientific and professional development by leveraging their strengths and providing them with the tools and resources they need to pursue their desired careers. My mentoring philosophy relies on (1) maintaining honest and open communication, (2) providing feedback and guidance, (3) setting clear expectations, and (4) creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.