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OPA Program

Mentoring Monday: Fostering Independence

Monday, January 22, 12:30pm - 1:30pm, MSOB

Would you like to learn how to help your mentee build their confidence and become more independent?

During this workshop, postdocs will define independence, discuss how its core elements change over the course of a mentoring relationship, and generate a list of strategies to foster independence in their mentee.

Facilitators: Amanda Dudek and Anthony Venida, Postdoc Peer Mentoring Coaches

Mentoring Mondays are open to postdocs from all disciplines. Lunch will be provided.

Postdoc Coffee & Donuts with OPA

Tuesday, January 16, 9:00am-11:00am, Huang Foyer

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) is hosting a coffee cart, plus Trish’s Mini Donuts for all postdocs!

Come kick off 2024 with some coffee and mini donuts on us!

During this event, Stanford Recreation and Wellness and the SURPAS Sports Committee will also be available to talk to you about events and resources currently available to Stanford postdocs -- so stop by to learn more!

Mentoring Monday: Maintaining Effective Communication

Monday, December 11, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, LKSC

How does your communication style impact how effective you are as a communicator and mentor?

During this workshop, postdocs will identify their communication style using the Effective Communication Styles Inventory, consider their communication style’s strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to communicate effectively across different styles.

Facilitators: Emily Jones and Samuel Montalvo, Postdoc Peer Mentoring Coaches

Mentoring Monday: Improve Communication by Assessing Understanding

Monday, November 13, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, On Campus

Have you communicated expectations to a mentee and assumed that they understood what you meant? Would you like to learn how to better communicate with your mentor/mentee?

Effective communication is critical to an effective mentoring relationship. During this workshop, postdocs will identify barriers to clear understanding. In addition, scholars will learn and practice strategies to address reasons for a lack of understanding.

Designing Your Postdoc

Your postdoc training is more than just research! Apply design thinking to the wicked problem of a comprehensive postdoctoral training plan and make a bold plan that amplifies your interests and values as you transition to your career of choice. The work we do together will support new perspectives, identify mentoring needs, and ensure that your individual development plan is thoughtful and balanced.

Note: there is approximately an hour of required prework for this session. You will receive details for the prework upon registration.

Professional & Academic Writing Winter

II: Professional & Academic Writing

Prerequisite: Oral Communication

Winter Session: Thursdays, February 8 - March 14, 5:00pm-7:00pm

This  course on academic writing for publication focuses on learning to write coherently, clearly, and concisely. It will also include some practice in writing effective emails, letters, and short proposals. The course includes two 30-minute individual tutorials with the instructor.


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