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Joseph DeSimone Radiology-MIPS
Radiology-MIPS Last Updated: December 02, 2021 |
Our interdisciplinary lab pursues research centered around advanced polymer 3D fabrication methods and their applications in human health. Focus areas include (1) creating new digital polymer 3D printing capabilities, such as single-micron resolution printing and novel multi-materials printing methods; (2) synthesizing new polymers for 3D printing, with interests in composites, bioabsorbable materials, and recyclable materials; and (3) employing our 3D printing materials and process advances for clinical applications in areas including: new medical device opportunities; vaccine platform development via the advancement of novel microneedle designs; precision delivery of therapies (molecular and cellular) and vaccines; molecular monitoring; and device-assisted, targeted drug delivery, including for cancer treatment. We also pursue novel digital treatment planning approaches using 3D printed medical devices, with our current focus on pediatric therapeutic devices. In this area, we are working with partners at Stanford to design devices and treatment planning solutions for babies with conditions including cleft palate and Pierre Robin Sequence. Complementing these research areas, our lab also emphasizes entrepreneurship; diversity, equity, and inclusion; implications of the digital revolution in the manufacturing sector; and strategies toward achieving a circular |
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Joseph DeSimone Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Last Updated: December 02, 2021 |
Our interdisciplinary lab pursues research centered around advanced polymer 3D fabrication methods and their applications in human health. Focus areas include (1) creating new digital polymer 3D printing capabilities, such as single-micron resolution printing and novel multi-materials printing methods; (2) synthesizing new polymers for 3D printing, with interests in composites, bioabsorbable materials, and recyclable materials; and (3) employing our 3D printing materials and process advances for clinical applications in areas including: new medical device opportunities; vaccine platform development via the advancement of novel microneedle designs; precision delivery of therapies (molecular and cellular) and vaccines; molecular monitoring; and device-assisted, targeted drug delivery, including for cancer treatment. We also pursue novel digital treatment planning approaches using 3D printed medical devices, with our current focus on pediatric therapeutic devices. In this area, we are working with partners at Stanford to design devices and treatment planning solutions for babies with conditions including cleft palate and Pierre Robin Sequence. Complementing these research areas, our lab also emphasizes entrepreneurship; diversity, equity, and inclusion; implications of the digital revolution in the manufacturing sector; and strategies toward achieving a circular |
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Joseph Wu Cardiovascular Institute
Cardiovascular Institute Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
Our lab works on biological mechanisms of patient-specific and disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The main goals are to (i) understand basic cardiovascular disease mechanisms, (ii) accelerate drug discovery and screening, (iii) develop “clinical trial in a dish†concept, and (iv) implement precision cardiovascular medicine for prevention and treatment of patients. Our lab uses a combination of genomics, stem cells, cellular & molecular biology, physiological testing, and molecular imaging technologies to better understand molecular and pathophysiological processes. |
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Josef Parvizi Neurology & Neurological Sci
Neurology & Neurological Sci Last Updated: September 06, 2023 |
Our research aims to fill a fundamental gap of knowledge about the timing, location, and causal importance of specific neuronal populations in the brain that work together in the millisecond scale to subserve a given brain function. We record directly from inside the brain in neurosurgical patients that are implanted with multiple electrodes across different anatomical and functional systems. We also apply direct electrical current to specific populations of neurons to alter their function while testing the effect of such perturbation on the human participant subjective feelings or task performance. Our research is beneficial to each individual patient who volunteers to participate in our cognitive and behavioral experiments because we map the location of functional units within each patient’s brain and share this information with clinicians to make more precise and safer surgical plans and prevent major cognitive deficits after surgery. We also map the location of pathological activity and use the data to locate the source of seizures and the pathways for their propagation in each individual patient’s brain. Our work is also relevant to public health and has societal impact. We strive to collect novel information about the functional architecture of the human brain, and improve our understanding of how the brain works. This will be vital for our understanding of the pathophysiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders that affect higher level cognitive functions and cause major problems for afflicted individuals and their families and the society. We study human brain function at multiple levels of cognitive and behavioral processing. We study brain activity from the very early sensory input to very late decision making in even social or emotional domains. We do not focus on a specific area of the brain or on a narrow field of cognitive neuroscience. As documented by our published work, every level of human cognition, every stage of human brain function, and every regions of the human brain - are of interest to us – as we want to understand how different areas of the brain work together across different experimental tasks. For instance, we have studied the prefrontal cortex (PFC) as we have recorded directly from the human periaqueductal gray (PAG) and we have electrically stimulated the human default network as we have stimulated the human hypothalamus. Our goal is to acquire a universal understanding of the functional architecture of the human brain with millisecond and millimeter precision. |
John Huguenard Neurology & Neurological Sci
Neurology & Neurological Sci Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
I direct the NIH supported T32 Epilepsy postdoctoral training program, with faculty broadly interested in the cellular/circuit basis of normal brain excitability and how it is disrupted in the disease of epilepsy. My particular interest is in large scale brain rhythms occuring during childhood absence epilepsy as studied in animal models. |
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José Dinneny Biology
Biology Last Updated: December 01, 2021 |
In the next 50 years, one of the greatest advances we can make for global human health is the realization of a society that is fully sustainable. My research aims to improve agricultural sustainability by using a holistic approach that integrates across genetic, cellular and organismal scales to understand how plants survive stressful environments (Dinneny, 2015a; 2019). Prior research has explored water-stress responses at unparalleled spatial and temporal resolution, and identified the endodermal tissue layer as a critical signaling center for controlling growth and tissue differentiation in roots (Duan et al., 2013; Geng et al., 2013; Dinneny et al., 2008). The discovery of novel adaptive mechanisms used by roots to capture water established potential targets for breeding to improve water use efficiency (Bao et al., 2014; Sebastian et al., 2016). The invention of imaging methods enabled multidimensional studies of plant acclimation and illuminated our understanding of organ system growth from germination to senescence (Rellán-Álvarez et al., 2015; Sebastian et al., 2016). Physiological and molecular insight has been gained in understanding how plants sense water availability through computational modeling of tissue hydraulics (Robbins and Dinneny, 2015, 2018). Additionally, fine-scale biomechanical measurements identified a novel mechanism by which salinity damages cells through its effects on cell-wall integrity (Feng et al., 2018). I have paired my research with a personal passion for improving the education of young plant scientists, engaging lawmakers through science policy, and by being a vocal advocate for the broad deployment of agricultural biotechnology (Fahlgren et al., 2016, Friesner et al., 2021). Department URL: |
Jonas Cremer Biology
Biology Last Updated: June 23, 2022 |
We are a highly interdisciplinary research team, joined in our desire to derive a more mechanistic understanding of prokaryotic life. To elucidate how bacterial cells accumulate biomass and grow, we study the model organism Escherichia coli. Our approaches tightly combine quantitative experimentation with mathematical modeling to consider the coordination of major physiological processes across scales; from metabolism and protein synthesis, via cell-size control, to swimming. We further focus on gut bacteria and their interactions with each other and the human host. Our analyses include considerations of intestinal physiology and diet habits on the host side, as well as metabolism, growth-physiology, ecology, and evolution on the bacterial side. |
Jessica Feldman Biology
Biology Last Updated: November 11, 2021 |
Underlying the complexity of the human body is the ability of our cells to adopt diverse forms and functions. This process of cell differentiation requires cells to polarize, translating developmental information into cell-type specific arrangements of intracellular structures. The major goal of the research in my laboratory is to understand how cells build these functional intracellular patterns during development. In particular, we are currently focused on understanding the molecules and mechanisms that build microtubules at cell-type specific locations and the polarity cues that guide this patterning, both of which are essential for normal development and cell function. We study these processes in living animals because the chemical, mechanical, and ever-changing environments experienced by cells in intact organisms are not readily replicated ex vivo. Thus, we take innovative approaches in the model organism C. elegans using novel genetic and proteomic tools, high resolution live imaging, and embryological manipulations. |
Jan Skotheim Biology
Biology Last Updated: August 10, 2020 |
My overarching goal is to understand how cell growth triggers cell division. Linking growth to division is important because it allows cells to maintain a specific size range to best perform their physiological functions. For example, red blood cells must be small enough to flow through small capillaries, whereas macrophages must be large enough to engulf pathogens. In addition to being important for normal cell and tissue physiology, the link between growth and division is misregulated in cancer. Today, thanks to decades of research into the question of how cells control division, we have an extensive, likely nearly complete parts-list of key regulatory proteins. Deletion, inhibition, or over-expression of these proteins often results in changes to cell size. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms for how growth triggers division are not understood. How do the regulatory proteins work together to produce a biochemical activity reflecting cell size or growth? Since we now have most of the parts, the next step to solving this fundamental question is to better understand how they work together. |
Hunter Fraser Biology
Biology Last Updated: January 27, 2023 |
We study the evolution of complex traits by developing new experimental and computational methods. Although genetics is often taught in terms of simple Mendelian traits, most traits are far more complex. They evolve via a multitude of genetic changes, each having a small effect by itself, which in sum give rise to the spectacular adaptation of every organism to its environment. Our work brings together quantitative genetics, genomics, epigenetics, and evolutionary biology to achieve a deeper understanding of how genetic variation shapes the phenotypic diversity of life. Our main focus is on the evolution of gene expression, since this is the primary fuel for natural selection. Our long-term goal is to understand the genetic basis of complex traits well enough to introduce them into new species via genome editing. |
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Jonathan Pollack Pathology
Pathology Last Updated: January 12, 2022 |
Research in the Pollack lab centers on translational genomics, with a current focus on diseases of the prostate. The lab employs next-generation sequencing, single-cell genomics, genome editing, and cell/tissue-based modeling to uncover disease mechanisms, biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Current areas of emphasis include: (1) Defining molecular features of prostate cancer that distinguish indolent from aggressive disease; (2) Determining disease mechanisms and new therapeutic targets in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); and (3) Defining disease drivers in rare neoplasms (e.g., ameloblastoma).
Jonathan Long Pathology
Pathology Last Updated: November 29, 2021 |
Our laboratory uses chemical and genetic approaches to study the signaling pathways that control mammalian energy homeostasis. We focus on blood-borne metabolic hormones and other hormone-like molecules. Ultimately, we seek to translate our discoveries into therapeutic opportunities that matter for obesity and other age-associated metabolic diseases.
Jon Long Pathology
Pathology Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
Energy metabolism encompasses the fundamental homeostatic processes by which we regulate our energy storage and energy expenditure. Energy metabolism is highly dynamic and changes according to availability of nutrients, physical activity, or environmental conditions. Dysregulation of energy metabolism is a hallmark of many age-associated chronic diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemias, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Therefore a complete understanding of the molecular pathways of energy metabolism represents an important basic scientific goal with implications for many of the most pressing biomedical problems of our generation. Metabolic tissues including adipose, liver, and muscle play critical roles in energy homeostasis. We are interested in understanding the dynamic endocrine signals that control metabolic tissue function. What are the identities of these signals? How do their levels change in response to physiologic energy stressors? Where are they made? What cell types or tissues do they act on? To answer these questions, we use chemical and mass spectrometry-based technologies as discovery tools. We combine these tools with classical biochemical and genetic techniques in cellular and animal models. Our goal is to discover new molecules and signaling pathways that regulate organismal energy metabolism. Recent studies from our laboratory have identified a family of cold-regulated lipid hormones that stimulate mitochondrial respiration as well as a thermogenic polypeptide hormone regulated by exercise. We suspect that many more remain to be discovered. We anticipate that our approach will uncover fundamental homeostatic mechanisms that control mammalian energy metabolism. In the long term, we hope to translate our discoveries into therapeutic opportunities that matter for metabolic and other age-associated chronic diseases.
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Jonathan Payne Earth & Planetary Sciences
Earth & Planetary Sciences Last Updated: January 27, 2023 |
Evolution, extinction, Earth system history. |
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John Pauly Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
My group does medical imaging research. Particular areas of interest are image guided interventions, image reconstruction, and fast imaging methods. We are particularly interested in the application of machine learning methods for |
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Johanna Nelson Weker SLAC National Accelerator Lab
SLAC National Accelerator Lab Last Updated: October 04, 2023 |
The Weker Research Group is at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), a Directorate of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. SLAC is a Department of Energy National Lab managed by Stanford Univeristy. Our research is focused on X-ray microscopy and X-ray characterization of materials far from equilibrium. Using X-rays we study a broad range of systems including energy storage materials such as Li-ion batteries, catalysts, and 3D metal printing (additive manufacturing). |
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Jodi Prochaska Med: Prevention Research Cntr
Med: Prevention Research Cntr Last Updated: February 02, 2024 |
Dr. Prochaska’s research program leverages technology to study and treat tobacco, alcohol, and other risk behaviors in populations at high risk. Her research spans community-based epidemiologic studies, randomized controlled clinical trials, and health policy analysis. Dr. Prochaska has conducted and collaborated on over 25 randomized controlled behavioral intervention trials, targeting tobacco and other risk behaviors with adolescents and adults.
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Jin Billy Li Genetics
Genetics Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
Li Lab studies RNA editing mediated by ADAR enzymes. The laboratory currently focuses on two fascinating aspects of ADAR. One is the major biological function that is to evade MDA5-mediated dsRNA sensing to suppress autoimmunity. This has led to therapeutic applications in cancer, autoimmune diseases and viral infection. The other is to harness the endogenous ADAR enzyme for transcriptome engineering that holds great potential for RNA-based therapeutics. This approach overcomes challenges faced by CRISPR-based genome engineering technologies.
Jesse Engreitz Genetics
Genetics Last Updated: May 31, 2024 |
The Engreitz Lab is mapping the regulatory wiring of the genome to understand the genetic basis of heart diseases. This wiring includes millions of enhancers that tune gene expression in the thousands of cell types in the body. Yet, it has been unclear which enhancers regulate which genes — a massive and complex network that rewires in each cell type. To understand this network, we invent new genomics tools combining CRISPR and single-cell approaches; dissect molecular mechanisms of enhancer-gene communication; build computational models to map genome regulation; and apply these tools to connect human genetic variants to biological mechanisms of disease. |
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Jill Helms Surg: General Surgery
Surg: General Surgery Last Updated: February 24, 2023 |
I am a Professor in the Department of Surgery at Stanford University. I trained as a dentist and have a certificate in Periodontics and a PhD. My lab works in the field of Regenerative Medicine and Dental Medicine, with a focus on the biological and mechanical regulation of tissue repair and regeneration. Our objective has remained unchanged for the last two decades: to make new discoveries that improve patient outcomes. While conducting clinically relevant research has been my main objective, it has always gone hand-in-hand with another goal: I believe that education is one of the most important tools to improving human health, and I am committed to diversifying our profession for the good of our communities and society. I use every avenue available to transform the way people think about science and medicine and emphasize its contribution to their daily lives. I also invest my time in supporting initiatives that promote inclusion, equity, and diversity. I am the Vice Chair of Diversity and Inclusion in our Department of Surgery at Stanford, and in this role I oversee diversity/equity/inclusion initiatives that impact students ranging from high school and college, through to trainees and junior faculty. In my lab I have assembled a team of individuals from different racial, ethnic, gender, age, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and I believe our science is stronger because of this diversity.
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Jiangbin Ye Radiation Oncology
Radiation Oncology Last Updated: July 14, 2022 |
An emerging hallmark of cancer is the modulation of metabolic pathways by malignant cells to promote cancer development. Dr. Jiangbin Ye’s professional interest is to investigate the causes and consequences of the abnormal metabolic phenotypes of tumor cells, with the prospect that therapeutic approaches might be developed to target these metabolic pathways to improve cancer treatment. The lab’s current goal is to explore the complex role of metabolic reprogramming in epigenetic regulations, and how cell fate and differentiation process are controlled by these epigenetic regulations. Ye’s lab is located in the Stanford University School of Medicine, with state-of-art research facilities. The multidiscipline research environment provides unique and outstanding training and collaborating opportunities. The candidate will have direct access to modern metabolomics research tools, including YSI biochemical analyzer, Seahorse XF Analyzer, hypoxia chamber and Agilent Q-TOF LC-MS. The lab is specialized in both untargeted and targeted metabolomics analysis, particularly isotope tracing technique for metabolic flux analysis. Dr. Ye is committed to mentoring and training for the candidate, providing all the support the candidate needs to reach the career goal.
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Jeremy Heit Radiology
Radiology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
Dr. Jeremy Heit is a neurointerventional surgeon (neurointerventional radiologist) who specializes in treating stroke, brain aneurysms, brain arteriovenous malformations, brain and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae, carotid artery stenosis, vertebral body compression fractures, and congenital vascular malformations. Dr. Heit treats all of these conditions using minimally-invasive, image-guided procedures and state-of-the-art technology. |
Heike Daldrup-Link Radiology
Radiology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) T-cell therapy has shown promising results in patients with leukemia and lymphoma. However, therapy response in patients with solid tumors is highly variable. An imaging test, which could directly visualize CAR T-cells in patients would greatly improve our understanding of factors that lead to successful treatment outcomes. Immune cells can be labeled with clinically translatable iron oxide nanoparticles, which can be detected with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, thus far, it was required to use transfection agents to shuttle iron labels into CAR T-cells. Most transfection agents are not approved for use in humans and demonstrate low efficiency for cell labeling with nanoparticles. We developed new cell labeling techniques, which do not require transfections. This project will test the efficacy of transfection-agent free cell labeling techniques for time-efficient labeling of CAR T-cells with iron oxide nanoparticles for subsequent in vivo tracking in mouse models of cancer. Tracking nanoparticle-labeled CAR T-cells in vivo will enable us to understand and optimize the tumor accumulation of CAR T-cells, prescribe tailored dosing regimen and develop appropriate combination therapies.
Heike Daldrup-Link Radiology
Radiology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
Cancer Imaging, Nanoparticles, MRI, PET/MR, Cancer Immunotherapy Imaging, Tumor Associated Macrophages, Stem Cell Tracking
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Jeremy Dahl Radiology- Peds
Radiology- Peds Last Updated: January 12, 2022 |
Our laboratory is an ultrasound engineering laboratory, located within in a clinical departement. We are interesed in the development and implementation of ultrasonic beamforming methods, ultrasonic imaging modalities, and real-time ultrasound imaging devices. Our current focus is on beamforming methods that are capable of generating high-quality images in the difficult-to-image patient population, and include projects in reverberation noise reduction, sound speed estimation & phase aberration correction, and novel beamforming techniques for anatomica and functional imaging. We attempt to build these imaging methods into real-time imaging systems in order to apply them to clinical scenarios including cardiac, liver, and placental imaging, as well as cancer imaging in the kidney and breast. Other collaborative projects in our laboratory include molecular imaging of cancer, microbubble-mediated drug delivery in hepatocellular carcinoma, passive cavitation imaging, and pulsed focused ultrasound for the stimulation of cells for therapetuic treatment of the pancreas.
Jeremy Dahl Radiology- Peds
Radiology- Peds Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
My laboratory develops and implements ultrasonic beamforming methods, ultrasonic imaging modalities, and ultrasonic systems and devices. Our current focus is on beamforming methods that are capable of generating high-quality images in the difficult-to-image patient population. These methods include coherence beamforming techniques and neural network beamformers for general B-mode and Doppler imaging, sound speed estimation for quantification of liver steatosis and image correction, and molecular imaging techniques for early cancer detection. We attempt to build these imaging methods into real-time imaging systems in order to apply them to clinical applications for the difficult-to-image patient population. Other projects in our laboratory include the development of novel ultrasonic imaging devices, such as small, intravascular ultrasound arrays that are capable of generating high acoustic output to elucidate the mechanical properties and structure of vascular plaques, and the development of ultrasound-guided drug delivery and therapy systems for cancer and diabetes applications.
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Jennifer Raymond Neurobiology
Neurobiology Last Updated: July 14, 2022 |
The goal of our research is to understand the algorithms the brain uses to learn. A fundamental feature of our neural circuits is their plasticity, or ability to change. How does the brain use this plasticity to tune its own performance? What are the learning rules that determine whether a neural circuit changes in response to a given experience, and which specific neurons or synapses are altered? Our research integrates molecular, cellular, systems and computational neuroscience approaches in mice to uncover the logic of how the cerebellum implements learning. |
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Jennifer Brophy Bioengineering
Bioengineering Last Updated: August 15, 2023 |
Synthetic biology in plants and their associated microbes with the goal of driving innovation in agriculture for a sustainable future. |
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Jeffrey Goldberg Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
We work on the cellular and molecular basis of neuronal survival and axon growth relevant to neuroprotection and regeneration, and on differentiation and transplant relevant to neural development and cell replacement therapies. Using retinal ganglion cells, a type of CNS neuron, as our primary model system in vitro and in rodent models in vivo, we use diverse "omics" and discovery research, combined with hypothesis-driven experiments and novel techniques, to unveil the basis for neuronal development, integration, and regeneration in the visual system. |
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Jason Yeatman Pediatrics
Pediatrics Last Updated: August 10, 2020 |
Mission: Our mission is to both use neuroscience as a tool for improving education, and use education as a tool for furthering our understanding of the brain. On the one hand, advances in non-invasive, quantitative brain imaging technologies are opening a new window into the mechanisms that underlie learning. For children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, we hope to develop personalized intervention programs that are tailored to a child’s unique pattern of brain maturation. On the other hand, interventions provide a powerful tool for understanding how environmental factors shape brain development. Combining neuroimaging with educational interventions we hope to further our understanding of plasticity in the human brain. The Lab: The Brain Development & Education Lab is located in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University and represents a collaboration between the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics within the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Education and the Wu Tsai Neuroscience Institute (we recently moved from The University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences). The focus of the lab is understanding the interplay between brain maturation and cognitive development. The lab is interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of neuroscience, psychology, education, pediatrics and engineering to answer basic scientific and applied questions. Current projects focus on understanding how the brain’s reading circuitry develops in response to education and how targeted behavioral interventions prompt changes in the brain’s of children with dyslexia. A major component of this work is the development of software to measure properties of human brain tissue, localize differences and quantify changes over development. |
Henry Lee Pediatrics
Pediatrics Last Updated: August 07, 2020 |
We are seeking an individual for a postdoctoral fellowship in perinatal / neonatal health who has training and experience in epidemiology or a related field (e.g. PhD or MD with relevant research training). The primary mentor is Dr. Henry C. Lee, Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology), and Chief Medical Officer of the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative (CPQCC) . The CPQCC and its sister organization, the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) have their data centers and leadership based at the division of neonatology at Stanford, and have active research programs in perinatal health. The ability to link maternal, neonatal, and long-term follow-up data allow for opportunities to conduct large population-based epidemiologic studies, health services research, and work in reducing disparities. The emphasis of this fellowship will be on the population of extremely preterm birth, including prediction / modeling of outcomes for periviable infants, and development of tools for counseling families affected by extremely preterm birth. The postdoctoral fellow will collaborate with epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and clinician-scientists, with opportunities for mentorship and collaborative research on related topics. |
Heidi Fedlman Pediatrics
Pediatrics Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
My research focuses on the neurobiological basis of language, reading, and cognition in children. Functional imaging studies demonstrate that language and reading skills require the integrated activity of a network of distributed brain regions. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) documents that variations in the properties of long-range white matter pathways connecting these brain regions within the cerebrum and between the cerebrum and cerebellum are associated with variations in language and reading skills. These white matter pathways may be disturbed in childhood illnesses, such as brain tumors. We have been collecting dMRI scans on children born preterm and full term at different ages, including infancy. We also have been collecting clinical scans on children with brain tumors in the cerebellum and posterior fossa. We seek students who want to learn techniques for analyzing dMRI and related imaging methods in children and to link the neurobiological findings to clinical outcomes. Selected studies include: (1) analyzing white matter pathways in preterm infants at near term age in relation to medical and environmental variables; (2) applying spherical deconvolution to scans of children age 6 to 8 years who are learning to read; (3) evaluating longitudinal change in children with mutism after resection of a posterior fossa brain tumor. |
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Jason Yeatman Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Education Last Updated: August 10, 2020 |
Mission: Our mission is to both use neuroscience as a tool for improving education, and use education as a tool for furthering our understanding of the brain. On the one hand, advances in non-invasive, quantitative brain imaging technologies are opening a new window into the mechanisms that underlie learning. For children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, we hope to develop personalized intervention programs that are tailored to a child’s unique pattern of brain maturation. On the other hand, interventions provide a powerful tool for understanding how environmental factors shape brain development. Combining neuroimaging with educational interventions we hope to further our understanding of plasticity in the human brain. The Lab: The Brain Development & Education Lab is located in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University and represents a collaboration between the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics within the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Education and the Wu Tsai Neuroscience Institute (we recently moved from The University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences). The focus of the lab is understanding the interplay between brain maturation and cognitive development. The lab is interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of neuroscience, psychology, education, pediatrics and engineering to answer basic scientific and applied questions. Current projects focus on understanding how the brain’s reading circuitry develops in response to education and how targeted behavioral interventions prompt changes in the brain’s of children with dyslexia. A major component of this work is the development of software to measure properties of human brain tissue, localize differences and quantify changes over development. |
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Jan Carette Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology and Immunology Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
Our lab is interested in the host pathways that determine the susceptibility of humans to viral disease. Viruses constantly evolve to exploit host machineries for their benefit whilst disarming host restriction mechanisms. Discovery of host proteins critical for viral infection illuminates basic aspects of cellular biology, reveals intricate virus host relationships, and leads to potential targets for antiviral therapeutics. |
Holden Maecker Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology and Immunology Last Updated: June 23, 2022 |
A major aim of our lab is to define metrics of immune competence in various settings, including cancer immunotherapy, organ transplantation, allergy, and chronic viral infection. We use CyTOF mass cytometry, often in combination with other technologies, to broadly survey immune features at the cellular level, then examine links between features or groups of features and clinical outcome. A long-term goal is to create an assay of global immune competence that could predict risk for various immune-related outcomes in both healthy individuals and in disease.
Holden Maecker Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology and Immunology Last Updated: July 14, 2022 |
A major aim of our lab is to define metrics of immune competence in various settings, including cancer immunotherapy, organ transplantation, allergy, and chronic viral infection. We use CyTOF mass cytometry, often in combination with other technologies, to broadly survey immune features at the cellular level, then examine links between features or groups of features and clinical outcome. A long-term goal is to create an assay of global immune competence that could predict risk for various immune-related outcomes in both healthy individuals and in disease.
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James Ford Med: Oncology
Med: Oncology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
The focus of our research is understanding the role of genetic changes in cancer genes in the risk and development of common cancers and on manipulating DNA repair mechanisms for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Solid tumors often exhibit high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) resulting in oxidative damage and the generation of 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a common source of mutations and DNA damage in the cell. ROS can be generated by multiple mechanisms including activating RAS mutations, exposure to chemical carcinogens and ionizing reagents, or as a by-product of metabolic processes in the cell. ROS likely impacts the initiation of BRCA-mutated triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) through the accumulation of mutations in the cell. Up-regulating base excision repair (BER) pathways is a potentially viable approach to inhibiting tumorigenesis in BRCA-mutated individuals by reducing mutagenesis. We have identified small-molecule activators of BER and are exploring their mechanism of action and activity in cells and tumorogenesis models in mice. We are seeking a Postdoctoral scholar to work in this area who is well-versed in tissue culture, cellular assays, and molecular biology techniques. Experience and a willingness to work with mice is preferred. |
Haruka Itakura Med: Oncology
Med: Oncology Last Updated: July 13, 2022 |
The Itakura Lab has an immediate opening for a creative and motivated postdoctoral scholar to conduct applied research in the areas of machine learning and pattern/feature detection with a focus on either computer vision/image or genomic/molecular data processing and analysis. The lab focuses on implementing machine learning frameworks and radiogenomic approaches on heterogeneous, multi-scale cancer data (e.g., clinical, imaging, histopathologic, genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, proteomic) to accelerate discoveries in cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. Projects include prediction modeling of survival and treatment responses, biomarker (feature) discovery, cancer subtype discovery, and identification of new therapeutic targets. Guided by critical and relevant problems in oncology, these projects have the potential to lead to clinically actionable or translatable findings. The successful candidate will join the Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology and work. The job description:
Required Qualifications:
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James Chen Chemical and Systems Biology
Chemical and Systems Biology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
Our laboratory integrates synthetic chemistry, genetics, and developmental biology to investigate the molecular mechanisms that control tissue formation, regeneration, and oncogenic transformation. Our research group is currently focused on three major areas: (1) small-molecule and genetic regulators of the Hedgehog signaling pathway; (2) optochemical and optogenetic tools for studying tissue patterning with spatiotemporal precision; and (3) zebrafish models of vertebrate development. |
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James Brooks Urology
Urology Last Updated: March 17, 2022 |
Our interest is in developing diagnostic and prognostic markers for urological diseases. Our work spans discovery, measurement methodologies, and clinical validation of candidate biomarkers. We have primarily used genomic and proteomic approaches for biomarker discovery. While our primary focus has been in prostate cancer, we have also worked in kidney cancer and other malignancies. We are also working to characterize the functional roles of several of the candidate biomarkers in cancer. In the past several years our work has expanded into benign urologic diseases including benign prostatic hyperplasia, obstructive nephropathy, and androgen insensitivity syndrome. In collaboration with bioengineers and radiologists, we have active research in molecular imaging, and protein and nucleotide detection on biological samples. We also participate in several large clinical trials for development, validation and implementation of clinical biomarkers in prostate cancer.
James Brooks Urology
Urology Last Updated: July 26, 2021 |
Our interest is in developing diagnostic and prognostic markers for urological diseases. Our work spans discovery, measurement methodologies, and clinical validation of candidate biomarkers. We have primarily used genomic and proteomic approaches for biomarker discovery. While our primary focus has been in prostate cancer, we have also worked in kidney cancer and other malignancies. We are also working to characterize the functional roles of several of the candidate biomarkers in cancer. In the past several years our work has expanded into benign urologic diseases including benign prostatic hyperplasia, obstructive nephropathy, and androgen insensitivity syndrome. In collaboration with bioengineers and radiologists, we have active research in molecular imaging, and protein and nucleotide detection on biological samples. We also participate in several large clinical trials for development, validation and implementation of clinical biomarkers in prostate cancer.
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Jaimie Henderson Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
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Jaimie Henderson Neuroscience Institute
Neuroscience Institute Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
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Jade Benjamin-Chung Epidemiology and Population Health
Epidemiology and Population Health Last Updated: November 22, 2021 |
Our research aims to improve population health by creating high quality evidence about what health interventions work in whom and where, when, and how to implement them. Most of our research is focused on infectious diseases, including malaria, diarrhea, soil-transmitted helminths, and influenza. Our focus is on improving the health of vulnerable populations from low-resource settings, both domestically and internationally. We use a variety of epidemiologic, computational, and statistical methods, including causal inference and machine learning methods. |
Jade Benjamin-Chung Epidemiology and Population Health
Epidemiology and Population Health Last Updated: November 22, 2021 |
Our research aims to improve population health by creating high quality evidence about what health interventions work in whom and where, when, and how to implement them. Most of our research is focused on infectious diseases, including malaria, diarrhea, soil-transmitted helminths, and influenza. Our focus is on improving the health of vulnerable populations from low-resource settings, both domestically and internationally. We use a variety of epidemiologic, computational, and statistical methods, including causal inference and machine learning methods. Department URL: |
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Ioannis Karakikes Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery Last Updated: December 02, 2021 |
The Karakikes Lab investigates the molecular mechanisms of rare cardiac diseases, such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). We employ an interdisciplinary approach, integrating functional genomics approaches in human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) derived cardiovascular cells with single-cell transcriptomics and epigenetics to study cardiomyopathies in a genetically controlled and systematic manner. |
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Hyowon Gweon Psychology
Psychology Last Updated: April 24, 2023 |
We know far more than what we can directly experience. We learn about the world by drawing rich, abstract inductive inferences that go beyond what we can observe, and much of these observations come from behaviors of others around us. By engaging in social learning in diverse contexts, humans learn from others, share their knowledge with others, and even accumulate a body of cultural knowledge over generations. The Social Learning Lab (SLL) aims to understand the cognitive mechanisms that underlie the communicative interactions we experience in our lives. In particular, the ways in which young children learn from others provide a unique window to the interface between our ability to draw powerful inferences and to our understanding of others’ thoughts and actions (Theory of Mind). To better understand this process, we design and conduct behavioral experiments with young children and adults, often combined with computational models that help predict and explain behavioral results.
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Helen Blau Microbiology and Immunology, Baxter Laboratory
Microbiology and Immunology, Baxter Laboratory Last Updated: January 27, 2023 |
Our focus is on the basic molecular mechanisms of stem cells and muscle and their application to aging, regenerative medicine, and disease. The Blau lab brings together biologists, bioinformatics experts, and bioengineers who are interested in everything from the basic mechanisms of disease, to technology development, to clinical translation. We capitalize on an interdisciplinary approach to science because 'Where we look and how we look determines what we see’. The laboratory collaborates extensively with other researchers. Our overall objective is to understand and apply biology to improve quality of life.
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Heike Daldrup-Link Ped: Hematology-Oncology
Ped: Hematology-Oncology Last Updated: February 23, 2024 |
Cancer Imaging, Nanoparticles, MRI, PET/MR, Cancer Immunotherapy Imaging, Tumor Associated Macrophages, Stem Cell Tracking
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Han Zhu Med: Cardiovascular Medicine
Med: Cardiovascular Medicine Last Updated: February 13, 2023 |
Our lab is dedicated to discovering the underpinnings of immune-related diseases in the heart. Many cancer drugs may cause immune-related toxicity in the heart, including severe myocarditis, making it difficult for patients with cancer to get the life-saving treatments they need. We have previously discovered that several key types of immune cells may be involved in potentiating disease. We are currently performing experiments to pin down the underlying mechanisms of how immune cells may cause various inflammatory heart diseases. We use a combination of precision medicine-oriented techniques including single-cell RNA-seq, TCR-seq, and CyTOF as well as classical molecular biology, cell modeling and animal modeling to answer mechanistic questions about the pathogenesis of cardiac inflammatory diseases, with the goals of discovering therapeutic targets which can be brought to the patient bedside.